View Full Version : Enigma of fatigue, night sweats, fever and lumps

03-10-14, 08:57
Hi folks, first of all thanks for any suggestions you might be able to offer!

About me: I'm a 38 year old woman, live in Australia and work in child protection, I'm pretty busy and usually an active chick, ride horses, work long hours and a can do girl!

My health: over the sat 2 years I've been feeling increasingly unwell, fatigue mostly, I was tested for most if the normal stuff over this time with nothing coming back, mind you I have recently moved from the country to the city so honestly country doctors really have not been the most enthusiastic.
Fatigue about 18 months ago was so ad I could barely get through a work day, was out if breath and buggered just getting ready for work, would spend the large part if the weekend in bed, but ad just ended my relationship of 12 years so figured I was run down and probably a bit depressed.
Looking back I also recall aging this thing with alcohol, I'm not much of a drinker mind you, but about 1 in 3 times I'd ave a drink would take a sip or 2 and get this agonizing pain in my shoulders, my friends remember this too! It would go away after 15 minutes or so.... Anyway!
I moved to the city, got a job in my field with more responsibility and started a new relationship, then got tired again! Then about 3 months ago went through a bout of insomnia, that as now passed, I began to get night sweats about 2 months ago, soaking kind about every 3 days! Gross! My fatigue has escalated to me sleeping all day every third day, I'm off on sick leave right now.
I had a heap of tests done with no result, then came down with influenza, caught it off a workmate who had recently had phenomnia, strange thing is about 4 hours after I did a vist with her, I got sick, quick and hard, so went to the doctor, he was more worried about my fatigue and night sweats, referred me for a CT scan. Wich returned with one lymph mode at 1.2 cm.
After CT scan, I was referred to an oncologist who ordered a heap of blood tests, that was about 6 weeks ago.
My oncologist was a jerk and would not talk to me, he would brush me off and give me no info! So I sacked him, went back to my GP and she talked to another oncologist who suggested biopsy !
Had a fine needle biopsy done and nothing!! But I hear FNB is not great for lymphoma ( which is what a they thought it was)
I had developed a lump in the right side of my neck, I don't think it's a lymph node as it's quite deep, hard and painless.
My GP is out of ideas and I'm no better ( poorer actually now after all the doctor bills!!)
I had a second opinion today and he is going to ultrasound the lump in my neck but really is equally a loss!
Apparently night sweats ( for lymphoma) only happen when lymphoma is very advanced and I have had a full chest to abdomen CT and only found the slightly enlarged node!!
Any suggestions would be awesome! Thanks ahead of time and appologies for the long post! Cheers