View Full Version : Blood pressure issues anyone?

03-10-14, 12:05
I'm 57 and never had a high blood pressure issue. But........I bought a machine to use at home (I don't know why) and every time I use it my anxiety goes sky high and along with it my blood pressure!! Now my doc wants me to go into the surgery to have it checked as it's not been done for a while and of course I'm feeling really really anxious about it. OMG I don't know what to do, anyone got any ideas please?


03-10-14, 13:05
Simple answer just have it checked no problem no big issue
Don't worry

05-10-14, 13:54
Just checking to see if you had your blood pressure check done
Best wishes

08-10-14, 18:49
this happened 2 my dad afew weeks back and put down 2 stress of having lumps cut off back after bp was taken

08-10-14, 19:48
I'm 57 and never had a high blood pressure issue. But........I bought a machine to use at home (I don't know why) and every time I use it my anxiety goes sky high and along with it my blood pressure!! Now my doc wants me to go into the surgery to have it checked as it's not been done for a while and of course I'm feeling really really anxious about it. OMG I don't know what to do, anyone got any ideas please?


Go to the appointment. Worst possible case is you go on BP meds. I've been on them for 7 years. No biggie!

Positive thoughts

09-10-14, 01:17
Thank you for replies. I chickened out and didn't go!!:blush::blush: I'm such a coward:weep::weep:

09-10-14, 01:40
Just wanna share- a friend was getting high blood pressure results after havig it taken at the doctors by a nurse.. He was made to wear a monitor for 24 hours to check it an it was fine.. Turns out the doctors verdict was it was the "stress" (can't think of a better word) by having it checked by a nurse! Proof that Stress etc affects it a lot!

09-10-14, 01:43
I developed "white coat syndrome" for over a year where I knew I had low blood pressure but every time I took it, I could feel myself get more anxious and my BP went up. Eventually I started telling my doctors and most of the time they understood. It's pretty common. After telling my story at each doctors appt a million times, eventually it just went away.

21-10-14, 08:24
My son had "white coat hypertension" and he was a teen at the time. He was almost put on bp meds but because it also happens to me, I suggested he just got tense when he was being touched by a stranger. He wore the ambulatory bp monitor for 24 hours and his bp is fine as long as no one touches him!