View Full Version : Fear I'm going crazy please help!

03-10-14, 13:00
The past week I've had super High anxiety and it's come out of nowhere b

I'm having racing thoughts but I don't even know what the thoughts are? It's like my minds full of adrenaline and won't switch off!

I'll just be sat there and my head will just start racing, its like a million voices in my head all talking really fast at the same time, its hard to explain, its not exactly a voice as they are silent and there isn't actually any words if that makes sense but it feels so strange, when it happens I panic so much as I feel like I'm going crazy.

So yeah I guess that's what I want help with? Am I crazy? Or can anxiety get THIS bad? It's just come out of nowhere and I know it's not right. I can't focus and switch it off when I get it I have to let it run it's course as such.

Can't get docs appointment till Tuesday for advice and that feels a lifetime when I feel like this. Advice and comfort of people getting through this would be appreciated my typical anxiety is health like I get heart palps or chest pains and think instantly omg heart attack! This is more mental and in my head which scares me more.

I'm currently laying in bed with the urge to hold my ears cos I've just got so many thoughts that I can't make out with an immense amount of fear. It doesn't help my mum has severe bi polar and so did her grandma and I strongly fear I'm gonna end up the same.

03-10-14, 13:32
I have had such bad anxiety in the past that I felt like I was going insane so its sure to be this making you feel so bad.

You need to do something to break the cycle, maybe get out and attempt to do something that you enjoy, or try to get hold of a relaxation cd and lay down whilst listening to it.

It will pass, but the current cycle of anxiety needs to be broken, so try and do something to break it. I know its easier said than done, but it will help.

Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

03-10-14, 15:55
Thanks for your reply I'm glad it's not just me. Hopefully I'm just going through a really bad time of my anxiety x