View Full Version : Sounds stuck in head?

03-10-14, 14:31
Hey all, I'm GAD not diagnosed OCD but I certainly have tendencies.

I've had songs stuck in my head constantly for around a month, and I've pretty much learned to live with it, but I was at the movies yesterday and I suddenly thought of a clicking/trigger-type gun sound. Then I found I couldn't get rid of it and started freaking out. Since then I've had an array of annoying, loud sounds stuck in my head that are quite vivid. They always feel like they're in my right ear for some reason. A lot of things now tend to repeat in my head after I've heard them. Am I alone or does anybody else get this? It's quite worrying and highly tormenting.

Another example, I just heard some opera music and for some reason then got the most awful operatic wailing stuck in my head. So loud and unpleasant! I guess it's that fear of getting something stuck in your head that makes it happen.

05-10-14, 03:33

I know I get this sometimes but not to the level you describe. But I'm thinking this is just another form of anxiety or OCD where you literally can't stop this reoccurring chain of thoughts much like the racing mind issue that is common in anxiety disorders.

If this is the case, then learning to quieten your mind will help you and by breaking up the chains & poking holes in them you will start to see them reduce.

Mindfulness could help with this because it will show you how to meditate so that you focus on things like your breathing as an induction but then just to let your mind wander but bring it back to your focus e.g. your breathing again, if your mind strays where you don't want it to i.e. the music.

The meditation form is only one way to practice this as there is also eating, objects, movement based e.g. walking and such as Tia Chi & QiGong. These will all teach you how to really focus on them with your senses & your mind. So, perhaps as you learn, you would be able to practice Mindful awareness of such as an object or activity may be a way to stop these thoughts if they occur.

Do you react to them in some way? Do they cause anxiety? Strong emotional responses just reinforce it, so you need to avoid this and Mindfulness will teach you to view it curiousity instead so its no longer seen as a negative.