View Full Version : Me and My Panic Attacks

03-10-14, 14:35
Hi everyone and thank to the admin for having me on this forum. Well, to start off. i started having panic attacks last August 2014 and it is just coming on and off. went to the doctor and just gave me Inderal 10mg to be taken 3 times a day for at least 3 days. Whenever i am fine i stopped taking it doctors told me to see a psychiatrist due that i felt so anxious thinking of so many things and went to see a psychiatrist and mentioned that i am having general anxiety disorder. Then she prescribed me to take Cipralex but i have to take 2.5mg for the first week together with Inderal 10mg. But for the last 3 days when she gave me cipralex till now i am not taking it for i am so worried about taking that med along with it side effects (but whenever i have panic attack, i do take inderal).

Can anyone please enlighten me please? and it is really okay to take cipralex 2.5mg along with inderal 10mg(propranolol)?

Awaiting for anyone's immediate reply of even chat.

i really need to be cured with this panic attacks and anxiety for my family.


04-10-14, 04:15
just got almost 6 hrs of sleep last night, thinking too much of what i am feeling ang being anxious again. later need to go out and have a nice morning walk exercise.

till now i haven't taking the cipralex yet and haven't experiencing any panic attack. just too worried everytime my heartbeats fast.

can someone enlighten and advice me on how to divert my think of being worried and axious about what i am feeling. Or some encouragement might help.

Thanks :bighug1:

06-10-14, 10:31
today it's 6th of October 2014, and around 3am in the morning i have experience the panic attack again. instead of doing the flight mode i do the FIGHT mode and one of which i embraced it without taking any meds to suppress the palpitation and everything.

i observed the sensation and ask for more of that sensation. and thinking that Panic attack is uncomfortable but not deadly. i put in mind that i had so many attacks already and nothing happens to me (not only to me right?).

aside from that i demand for more. i told myself "go ahead and give me more" and trusting that i am safe.

and you know what it only lasted for not more than 10 to 15 mins i guess. in a way knowing that i faced my fear. it helps me build confidence also.

just thinking positive that in the long run my body will get used to it and not knowing that the panic attacks and anxiety is totally gone without medications.

Still hoping for the best. :)

06-10-14, 10:50
Hello Manuel
the best way to fight anxiety is float above it and carry on as normal ,it then looses it strength.

you are doing the right things ,keep going !

06-10-14, 11:21
Thanks MrAndy, but could you kindly elaborate what you meant by float above my anxiety? :)

06-10-14, 11:30
Hi ManuelA,

It's fine to take both Cipralex (escitalopram) and Inderal (propranolol) at the same time.

Propranolol works fairly quickly, mostly on physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, so you can take it on an as needs basis. Escitalopram can take several weeks before you notice a definite improvement, and you need to take it on a regular basis. Good luck!

07-10-14, 16:20
hi guys ... feeling anxious again ... can anyone give me positive advice on how to really think positive. please... i am serious.:weep:

07-10-14, 19:34
Hi Manuel,

I'm sorry you are having anxiety. One thing I tend to do is keep a diary,noting what I did that day etc and how the anxiety was. I have about 18 little red books,all numbered and when anxiety comes on I can read back to where my anxiety was bad before and yet I still got through it. Hope this helps :)

08-10-14, 05:04
if you don't mind me asking, how long you been doing that and was the anxiety and panic attack was totally gone?

09-10-14, 05:08
Hi everyone, today would be the day to see my psychiatrist. and gonna tell him straight that i don't want to take meds. and want to try different approach to heal my anxiety and panic attack in a natural way (therapy, diet, way of thinking, etc.) and ask him also about my blood test for "cortisal, TSH and VIT D.

Guys can you advice what therapy should i be taking or what are the therapy available.

i've only know about the CBT.

Thanks in advance for positive comments. God bless you all and more power to NMP.

10-10-14, 08:10
Hi Manuel, I've been keeping them since 1998 and there have been good times and bad times in all those years. The period between 2001 and 2008 was particularly good and there were times I thought the anxiety had completely gone. I was taking citalopram through those years, I think it worked very well for me :)

10-10-14, 09:13
After struggling on my own with anxiety after a bad experience with Fluoxotine, I finally went back on meds. But your anxiety is new, isn't it? Maybe you have a better chance of fighting it on your own because it came on more recently. I wanted to suggest vitamin B12 injections. I found they help my mood a great deal. They may help you also. Hope that is helpful :)

10-10-14, 13:16
Thanks fishman65 for the story. :)

@ cavybun: i started having panic attacks and anxiety just August this year 2014 and been looking for solutions to help me cope up with this since then. Hope that CBT would help.

to tell you. i am planning on having a vacation back to Philippines after 2 years of working here in Qatar. but just now i am thinking "WHAT IF my panic attack in the mid air" etc. etc.

hope there is someone can tell me some of their experience while they are in the air and what positive things to do. Coz, that would really help me atleast be positive also. :)

11-10-14, 09:49
yesterday i started walking exercise in the morning (though the anxiousness of having another panic attack again is there everything end up good)

---------- Post added at 11:49 ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 ----------

last night also just went to a bday party quite a bit jumpy of having another attack but it didnt happen. :)

12-10-14, 04:59
Good morning everyone. just want to tell you that for the past few days i was able to have a good night sleep except i have to go to the comfort room to pee. but everything went fine.

still looking forward to permanently eliminate my GAD and Panick Disorder :)

God Bless everyone.

15-10-14, 17:00
Hi all, does someone experienced panic attack after eating grape fruit?

i almost had a panic attack this morning dated 15-Oct-2014 but was able to suppress immediately.

i ate grapes in the evening. i don't know if it is really relevant. :(

27-10-14, 12:42
hi everyone. just want to ask is being pale is also part of panic attack or anxiety attack? please advice. Thanks