View Full Version : Magnesium helped me

03-10-14, 14:51
Been taking magnesium taurate for about 1 week or so, wow - has helped massively with anxiety/panic and feeling low.
Has stopped me from needing to go back onto citalopram!

Will continue to use and hopefully this is it in terms of 'self help' and not prescribed meds!

03-10-14, 23:14
I take magnesium is it the same thing?

05-11-14, 20:12
There are different forms.

Magnesium Oxide is next to useless.

Magnesium Citrate - is good but can cause some toilet trouble!

Magnesium BiGlycinate and Glycinate are good.(and recommended to mix with Taurine)

Magnesium Taurinate is the above, but I recall the well researched George Eby saying that it stopped working for him.

Apparently - the best Magnesium of all, is Magnesium Oil for absorbability and least side effects.

06-11-14, 03:46
Great to hear it Bob.

What type did you buy? What is the mg content for each product in your supplement? I'm interested as I've seen some have very little Taurine in compared to others despite having a similiar price point.

08-11-14, 03:04
i hope someone reads this. :( i am also looking for a magnesium supplement, but just like everything else.. you dive in to learn more, and things get more confusing.. there is a drink called natural calm.. i think its mixed with calcium or something.. not sure if that is any good.. do you guys have any more info about what exact brand or regime .. does it matter how heavy you are.. do you start off with a certain mg.. etc.

08-11-14, 04:49
Some useful links for you:





I don't really understand why a magnesium supplement would be mixed with calcium because they compete with each other so it reduces the likely uptake of the magnesium.

08-11-14, 08:19
i hope someone reads this. :( i am also looking for a magnesium supplement, but just like everything else.. you dive in to learn more, and things get more confusing.. there is a drink called natural calm.. i think its mixed with calcium or something.. not sure if that is any good.. do you guys have any more info about what exact brand or regime .. does it matter how heavy you are.. do you start off with a certain mg.. etc.

George Eby recommended Carlson Chelated Magnesium 200mg. It's inexpensive here : http://www.vitacost.com/carlson-chelated-magnesium (in fact for any UK residents, it's cheaper to buy AND ship it from there, than buying it in the UK!) - this is actually Magnesium Glycinate.

As with anything, start slowish. Maybe 200mg x 2 a day, then go up and see how you feel. I also take a Taurine supplement with it (1g per dose). There are people out there taking 800mg magnesium a day. I think you're ok up to 1200mg a day, but don't quote me on that. Should be no need to go that high.

I'm actually currently taking Holland and Barrett Magnesium Byglicinate (150mg) x 4 a day. I'm a big guy too - 108KG.

I have read merits of on both empty and full stomach and perhaps taking with vitamin C makes it more absorbable.

You are correct, that calcium mixed with magnesium will ultimately cancel each other out.

13-11-14, 17:55
I've been taking a standard magnesium supplement for just over a month now, and while it's really helped my anxiety, I suspect it's also responsible for the horrible diarrhoea I've been experiencing recently!

I have Crohn's and IBS, but I don't think it's either of those, because I'm symptomless apart from repeated very loose bowel movements.

I guess I need to try one of the better formats mentioned above.

13-11-14, 18:48
Hi, all!

Thanks Bob, your experience is very encouraging!

Just started taking magnesium glycinate, 2 x 150, at bedtime. So far, so good. :D Not sure where I could purchase taurine, but will look at the health food store. So, it is felt that taurine helps with it's absorption then?

Terry, thanks for the heads-up about calcium, I will make sure to leave some hours between them.

White43, thanks for clarifying the types once more. I have a hard time with pills, (nausea, upset stomach), and so I get most of my vitamins through my diet or supplements that are liquids or sublingual, but will try to make sure I have something with C at dinner ...
Your 1,000 mg epa daily, is this mainly for brain health? My liquid omega has 525 epa/225 dha, if I double that, will I be getting "too much" dha? I normally eat very little processed food, just the occasional gluten-free pasta. (No soy or soy lecithin, not even soy oil in salad dressings.) So I expect I'm not getting too much dha via diet.

Hope the question makes sense, lol!

Marie :whistles:

14-11-14, 03:15
I've been taking a standard magnesium supplement for just over a month now, and while it's really helped my anxiety, I suspect it's also responsible for the horrible diarrhoea I've been experiencing recently!

I have Crohn's and IBS, but I don't think it's either of those, because I'm symptomless apart from repeated very loose bowel movements.

I guess I need to try one of the better formats mentioned above.

Yes, definately. Loose bowels are a known side effect of too much magnesium. So, if you have a diet high in it due to any changes you have made for your other conditions, you may wish to adjust your dosage.

Another option is a timed release version.

Some cheaper forms, I think white43 mentioned citrate on here or another recent thread, can cause more digestive issues and given your other conditions, you are bound to react more than the norm.

The other variants are a bit more expensive and be careful in choosing one because I have looked at the taurate version and found there is a massive difference in content for the same price between manufacturers. Versions such as taurate and glycinate are geared towards neurotransmitters as well so they are more likely to be helpful to us guys plus they are not likely to interact with medication like 5-htp can.

I think I have also read that some people experience the loose stools as a side effect for a short time to begin with but perhaps white43 can advise to save me researching it for the thread? If this does occur, I wonder whether it is because magnesium plays a role in over 300 function in the human body and it is rebalancing them by overcompensating initially? I know this occurs with probiotic supplementation in cases of Candida overgrowth due to a 'flushing' effect that overwhelms the liver.

Have you looked at probiotics chichpea? A lot of people with IBS have reported they work for them. I've been looking into this a lot myself and I plan to 'grow my own' as its far cheaper and way more potent than anything you can buy.

---------- Post added at 03:09 ---------- Previous post was at 03:04 ----------

As with anything, start slowish. Maybe 200mg x 2 a day, then go up and see how you feel. I also take a Taurine supplement with it (1g per dose). There are people out there taking 800mg magnesium a day. I think you're ok up to 1200mg a day, but don't quote me on that. Should be no need to go that high.

I'm actually currently taking Holland and Barrett Magnesium Byglicinate (150mg) x 4 a day. I'm a big guy too - 108KG.

Here is a detailed guidance off WebMD:

The daily Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for elemental magnesium are: Age 1-3 years, 80 mg; 4-8 years, 130 mg; 9-13 years, 240 mg; 14-18 years, 410 mg (boys) and 360 mg (girls); 19-30 years, 400 mg (men) and 310 mg (women); 31 years and older, 420 mg (men) and 320 mg (women). For pregnant women age 14-18 years, the RDA is 400 mg; 19-30 years, 350 mg; 31-50 years, 360 mg. For lactating women age 14-18 years, the RDA is 360 mg; 19-30 years, 310 mg; 31-50 years, 320 mg. For infants less than one year of age, adequate intake (AI) levels are 30 mg from birth to 6 months and 75 mg from 7 to 12 months. The daily upper intake level (UL) for magnesium is 65 mg for children age 1-3 years, 110 mg for 4-8 years, and 350 mg for anyone over 8 years old, including pregnant and breast-feeding women.

Something to also consider is deficiency which is totally different to the above. It is also used in constipation, migraines, etc so again the dosages differ and will be typically higher.

I think something we have to consider is that anxiety makes the body work much harder so we may need more than the RDA's of most things. This gets tricky because its a bit of an unknown though but I think we need to understand a lot more about this.

---------- Post added at 03:15 ---------- Previous post was at 03:09 ----------

White43, thanks for clarifying the types once more. I have a hard time with pills, (nausea, upset stomach), and so I get most of my vitamins through my diet or supplements that are liquids or sublingual, but will try to make sure I have something with C at dinner ...

Marie :whistles:

Strawberries are very high in C Marie, it you can get them over there at this time a year?

C supplements are usually very cheap if not. It also helps in absorption of iron.

14-11-14, 09:37
Just started taking magnesium glycinate, 2 x 150, at bedtime. So far, so good. :D Not sure where I could purchase taurine, but will look at the health food store. So, it is felt that taurine helps with it's absorption then?

Taurine doesn't help magnesium absorb as far as I know. They combine the amino acid, taurine, with magnesium via binding as these 2 elements cause a synergistic effect when combined - they cause each other to have a stronger effect.

These forms of magnesium can be found quite easily but not many manufacturers seem to be making them so there is less choice. Check the ingredients, some have very little in for a similiar price to some that have quite a lot in.

Taurine can also be purchased on its own and you can find it everywhere because the bodybuilding world have been using it for decades.

---------- Post added at 07:39 ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 ----------

Your 1,000 mg epa daily, is this mainly for brain health? My liquid omega has 525 epa/225 dha, if I double that, will I be getting "too much" dha? I normally eat very little processed food, just the occasional gluten-free pasta. (No soy or soy lecithin, not even soy oil in salad dressings.) So I expect I'm not getting too much dha via diet.

This might help answer some questions Marie:


You won't be getting too much, there are supplements that have EPA & DHA set at higher than 1200mg each.

There don't seem to be studies on maximums for things like this but something interesting to consider is the diet of certain countries such as Japan and the Northern Europeans who seem to have a better state of health which is largely related to fresh food and greater intake of fish. These countries are already getting a lot more EPA/DHA in their diet so there would be a crossover into poor health if it were a bad thing.

Oosh has a thread about fish oil and he has been looking into the ratio issue so perhaps post something on there, he updates it pretty quickly. I know its recommended as 2:1 but a lot of supplements are closer to 1:1 but I'm not clear on whether there is any competition between the 2.

From what I can tell, DHA has an effect on GLA thus preventing anti inflammatory creation from it so may need some supplementation if DHA is high as seen here http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in-the-zone/201204/what-are-the-real-differences-between-epa-and-dha but the problem is, it doesn't state what is high so more research is going to be needed to determine that before you start reincorporating GLA. So, I'm less sure about competition between EPA & DHA now as it appears that DHA can't fit into the active catalytic sites of the enzyme that EPA competes with delta5-desaturase (D5D).

---------- Post added at 09:16 ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 ----------

For people on here who struggle to tolerate tablets or swallow them, there is a further option of transdermal magnesium. I don't know much about it but its supposed to be easily absorbed by the skin and I'm guessing it avoids the gastro/absorption/discarding issues of the gut & other organs.

---------- Post added at 09:37 ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 ----------

Another one of Bob's thread here on the GAD board with some interesting discussions about taurate.


I posted a sports article in there that talks a lot about taurine which may be useful in understanding its functions in the human body.

14-11-14, 16:53
Hi again, I would not want to take something that gives me more diarrohea - so magnesium taurate was recommended. This has not given me any trouble at all. Citrate, chelate are not for me! Glycinate ok. Mag/taurate the best.


14-11-14, 17:46
I take zma which is zinc magnesium asparate
It never gives me a bad tummy.zma also contains b6 which helps it's absorption
It gives me awesome dreams and helps me sleep http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZMA_(supplement)

15-11-14, 04:18
I take zma which is zinc magnesium asparate
It never gives me a bad tummy.zma also contains b6 which helps it's absorption
It gives me awesome dreams and helps me sleep http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZMA_(supplement)

Thats a testosterone sparing supplement from the bodybuilding world isn't it MrAndy?

---------- Post added at 04:18 ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 ----------

A useful article here:


Magnesium amino acid chelates include:

Magnesium Glycinate
Magnesium Lysinate
Magnesium Orotate
Magnesium Taurate
Acid complexes of magnesium and their subset, amino acid chelates, are generally more readily absorbed by the body. They rely not on solubility but on protein pathways for bio-availability.
Only magnesium chloride (http://www.ancient-minerals.com/magnesium-chloride/), a magnesium mineral salt with extremely high solubility, has been found in medical studies to match or surpass the absorption of these forms of magnesium.

15-11-14, 09:26
Thats a testosterone sparing supplement from the bodybuilding world isn't it MrAndy?

---------- Post added at 04:18 ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 ----------

A useful article here:


Magnesium amino acid chelates include:

Magnesium Glycinate
Magnesium Lysinate
Magnesium Orotate
Magnesium Taurate
Acid complexes of magnesium and their subset, amino acid chelates, are generally more readily absorbed by the body. They rely not on solubility but on protein pathways for bio-availability.
Only magnesium chloride (http://www.ancient-minerals.com/magnesium-chloride/), a magnesium mineral salt with extremely high solubility, has been found in medical studies to match or surpass the absorption of these forms of magnesium.
Yes but they use it for recuperation at bed time
It definitley helps my sleep,you can tell when you take because you get very vivid dreams and wake rested

15-11-14, 09:56
I've been looking into magnesium the last couple of nights as I want to give this stuff a try myself. I'm thinking it might help address my fatigue issues as well and the fact my asthma seems to have become worse in the last 10 years. Its only the start, I think there will need to be other supplements to add in to tackle this as well.

When I've been reading I posted a some of the information above incase it helps anyone. I also came across another form - angstrom-size magnesium which are in their most basic form and do not need the digestive tract to be absorbed so perhaps these will help with side effects? Also, from doing some of this reading it appears that there are some issues with the absorption rate of magnesium supplements and this, the transdermal and chloride versions might be the best to avoid this...or at least maybe we should be supplementing with these as well to beef the levels up and avoid the losses???

---------- Post added at 09:56 ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 ----------

Yes but they use it for recuperation at bed time
It definitley helps my sleep,you can tell when you take because you get very vivid dreams and wake rested

I remember taking a few cycles of this myself many years ago when I was training but I can't really remember much about it. I think I'll have to have a look at it MrAndy, its benefits with zinc as well are likely to be very useful.

Do you use ones with additional elements as I know some use melatonin, fenugreek, etc.

It does look interesting in that it deepens REM sleep. Dreaming too much is said to be an issue with not getting enough deep sleep as seen in depression, so do you find that you are refreshed?

I notice a lot of REM can mean more 'morning glories' MrAndy :winks::roflmao:

15-11-14, 18:11
Well, I've stopped taking magnesium the last couple of days and the diarrhoea has magically stopped too.
Obviously, it could have been a bug, so I will try the magnesium again in a few days and see what happens.
Meanwhile, I'll look into the alternative forms because I really do think it helped with anxiety.

15-11-14, 18:55
I've been looking into magnesium the last couple of nights as I want to give this stuff a try myself. I'm thinking it might help address my fatigue issues as well and the fact my asthma seems to have become worse in the last 10 years. Its only the start, I think there will need to be other supplements to add in to tackle this as well.

When I've been reading I posted a some of the information above incase it helps anyone. I also came across another form - angstrom-size magnesium which are in their most basic form and do not need the digestive tract to be absorbed so perhaps these will help with side effects? Also, from doing some of this reading it appears that there are some issues with the absorption rate of magnesium supplements and this, the transdermal and chloride versions might be the best to avoid this...or at least maybe we should be supplementing with these as well to beef the levels up and avoid the losses???

---------- Post added at 09:56 ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 ----------

I remember taking a few cycles of this myself many years ago when I was training but I can't really remember much about it. I think I'll have to have a look at it MrAndy, its benefits with zinc as well are likely to be very useful.

Do you use ones with additional elements as I know some use melatonin, fenugreek, etc.

It does look interesting in that it deepens REM sleep. Dreaming too much is said to be an issue with not getting enough deep sleep as seen in depression, so do you find that you are refreshed?

I notice a lot of REM can mean more 'morning glories' MrAndy :winks::roflmao:
Yes I get deep sleep and morning glory so it's a win win situation :roflmao:

15-11-14, 20:09
Alrite.. im trying to figure this all out.. I could try and find taurate.. or i could get that glyincate and taurine separately... what i don't get.. it says you take 1,000 mg of taurine 3x a day.. isn't that total overkill?

So these two would be ok?



Than there is this one.. but it only says 125mg.. and the ingredient as magnesium taurate.. But ive seen other brands that seperate the ingredients and list how much of each is in it.. now im confused again.

Also found this magnesium drink.. it says its ionic form of mag.. has a lot of good reviews on amazon.. Any thoughts.


16-11-14, 08:39
Yes I get deep sleep and morning glory so it's a win win situation :roflmao:

Has your missus ordered some more tubs then Mr Andy?! :winks::roflmao:

---------- Post added at 08:39 ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 ----------

Alrite.. im trying to figure this all out.. I could try and find taurate.. or i could get that glyincate and taurine separately... what i don't get.. it says you take 1,000 mg of taurine 3x a day.. isn't that total overkill?

So these two would be ok?



Than there is this one.. but it only says 125mg.. and the ingredient as magnesium taurate.. But ive seen other brands that seperate the ingredients and list how much of each is in it.. now im confused again.

Also found this magnesium drink.. it says its ionic form of mag.. has a lot of good reviews on amazon.. Any thoughts.


http://www.vitacost.com/vitacost-taurine-1000-mg-100-capsules-2 (http://www.vitacost.com/vitacost-taurine-1000-mg-100-capsules-2) says 1 capsule a day at 1000mg each. If you take it on its own, it won't bring the enhancing effect it has on magnesium and vice versa.

The problem with this one http://www.vitacost.com/carlson-chelated-magnesium (http://www.vitacost.com/carlson-chelated-magnesium) is that it doesn't break down how much magnesium and how much glycine is in it. It might be worth looking for other products with a similiar level to determine what the split may be or whether its even relevant...its just that when I've looked at the taurate version, some have a breakdown that shows a bias towards taurine and some a bias towards magnesium.

http://www.pureformulas.com/magnesiu...-formulas.html (http://www.pureformulas.com/magnesiu...-formulas.html) this one is 2 capsules a day at 125mg each. There is no split again on this one. I've seen taurate versions with a lot more in than this so its a question of whether you want to try a lower version first or want to go for the large quantities.

http://www.amazon.com/Natural-Vitali...ustomerReviews (http://www.amazon.com/Natural-Vitality-Calm-Raspberry-Lemon/dp/B00BPUY3W0/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1416092421&sr=8-14&keywords=magnesium+taurate#customerReviews) is a citrate version so its more likely to produce the side effects, unless its been balanced with something else to prevent this, so you would have to see if its for you or not.

16-11-14, 09:20
The tablets I take are 450mg

16-11-14, 19:34
See that is where I am getting really confused with all of this... The mag taurage, or glycinate.. You are saying it basically mag mixed with an amino acid, and its basically a combination.. i remember reading someone say that in the mix of taurate, 90 percent has to be Taurine, and only 10 percent is magnesium. So two pills at 125.. 250mg's.. 10 percent of that is hardly anything.. do you think that there is a difference between Taurate, and taurine.. that magnesium is its own compound?? That it isn't really x amount of mag, verse x taurine.. but ends up being its own compound that absorbs better so you don't need as much mag and taurine seperately? Just a guess theory.. None of the vitamins I have seen thus far ever give a break down of how much magnesium or taurine, or glycine is in it separately... very confused.. I don't have a clue what to get anymore.

16-11-14, 20:38
Tyre zma it's cheap and works for me,to much taurine can disturb you sleep

16-11-14, 21:53
Never even heard of ZMA.. thats with zinc right? that seems like its opening up another box.. everything is so damn complicated and the deeper you go the more confusing and less people really have a clue.. I want something for anxiety/panic attacks/ heart racing attacks.. arrythmias,, better sleep.. calming.. better mood...

I might just get natural calm by natural vitality and a 500mg taurine suppliment.. that natural calm has like 2000 reviews on amazon and mostly positive.. People seem to be getting a benefit from that drink.. which is supposedly an (ionic citrate powerder in water)... I was thinking of getting the mag taurate to keep life simple.. but 125mg mag taurate means =? 10mg magensium per pill? if it were that low why do people have good results on it. maybe they are listing the actual elemental magnesium you get?

16-11-14, 22:11
Never even heard of ZMA.. thats with zinc right? that seems like its opening up another box.. everything is so damn complicated and the deeper you go the more confusing and less people really have a clue.. I want something for anxiety/panic attacks/ heart racing attacks.. arrythmias,, better sleep.. calming.. better mood...

I might just get natural calm by natural vitality and a 500mg taurine suppliment.. that natural calm has like 2000 reviews on amazon and mostly positive.. People seem to be getting a benefit from that drink.. which is supposedly an (ionic citrate powerder in water)... I was thinking of getting the mag taurate to keep life simple.. but 125mg mag taurate means =? 10mg magensium per pill? if it were that low why do people have good results on it. maybe they are listing the actual elemental magnesium you get?
Reviews are generally good for Zma,it's a well know supplement

17-11-14, 03:45
To answer about the other pill.. it says it on amazong

Chelated Magnesium 200mg by Carlson Laboratories 180 Tablet Magnesium is an essential mineral important for many normal body functions including maintaining proper heart rhythm neuromuscular transmission food metabolism and growth. 200 mg magnesium is provided from 1111 mg magnesium glycinate chelate

So im assuming some companies list the actual magensium you are getting.. others give you a total.. Im assuming the one by cardio research must be 125mg mag.. from mag taurate.. has to be..

---------- Post added at 03:45 ---------- Previous post was at 02:17 ----------

Well... I just pulled the trigger.. I got the carlsons 200mg mag glycinate.. and i just got a random 1000mg suppliment on ebay from now foods.. It had a high rating and they all seemed the same... So hopefully i made the right choice for now.

17-11-14, 08:46
Never even heard of ZMA.. thats with zinc right? that seems like its opening up another box.. everything is so damn complicated and the deeper you go the more confusing and less people really have a clue.. I want something for anxiety/panic attacks/ heart racing attacks.. arrythmias,, better sleep.. calming.. better mood...

I might just get natural calm by natural vitality and a 500mg taurine suppliment.. that natural calm has like 2000 reviews on amazon and mostly positive.. People seem to be getting a benefit from that drink.. which is supposedly an (ionic citrate powerder in water)... I was thinking of getting the mag taurate to keep life simple.. but 125mg mag taurate means =? 10mg magensium per pill? if it were that low why do people have good results on it. maybe they are listing the actual elemental magnesium you get?

Taurine is the amino acid itself, whereas as taurate is when is is bound (chelated) to the magnesium. Where magnesium is on its own, its not a chelated version.

Yes, the chelated versions are absorbed by the body more efficiently which explains why they are in lower volumes but they are also more expensive to produce which could also be a factor in the cost per volume to the customer.

Some I have seen do have a breakdown, I always avoid products that don't tell you as you can end up with this useless 10% issue that you mention.

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Cardiovascular-Research-Ltd-Magnesium-Potassium-Taurate-60-Capsules-/400738968250?pt=UK_Health_Beauty_Vitamins_Suppleme nts&hash=item5d4de762ba (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Cardiovascular-Research-Ltd-Magnesium-Potassium-Taurate-60-Capsules-/400738968250?pt=UK_Health_Beauty_Vitamins_Suppleme nts&hash=item5d4de762ba)

That doesn't have a 9:1 ratio taurine to magnesium so there are manufacturers doing it in different ways.

Its just pretty hard to find this version.

Taurine on its own is in higher volumes most likely because its been used in the bodybuilding sector for decades. It won't absorb as well as the taurate version which may also explain why the volume is much higher.

This is one that seems to have a very high amount of taurine in and a pretty decent level of magnesium too.

Bare in mind that the less soluble forms of magnesium may not be better because they are in higher volumes. The chloride version looks interesting though as its much more soluble than these, otherwise the protein seeking versions seem best for absorbability as well as the additional benefits of the amino acids they are bound to.

Honestly, the supplement market is always like this...a maze!!!

17-11-14, 09:45
On the link you showed me, it doesn't say how much actual magnesium is in it does it? Maybe I am going blind.. It says mag taurate 90mg.. from what i understand.. there is a certain MG of mag, and mG of taurine.. if they are writing 90 mg .. im assuming they are giving the amount of magnesium..

I bought the mag glycinate and taurine seperately.. but maybe i should have just stuck to the cardiovascular one.. oh well.. one pill is more simple than two.. and I have a supplement now that give me 100mg mag citrate in a multivitamin.

17-11-14, 09:50
Sorry Paladin, just spotted its 2 chelated versions! I avoided posting one like that earlier. So, I'm not sure of which of the 2 breakdowns is going to be the ratio of potassium to magnesium and taurine to magnesium.

I meant to post this one though http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/390918608072?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT which does show the separate values. This one is quite common on Ebay & Amazon but they never post the breakdown so I had to do some searching to turn this one up and leave in in my watchlist for future reference. So, some of the ones with no breakdown can be found if you keep Googling but its a pain!

See what works, when you finish one, switch to another as you'll have more time to search around.

17-11-14, 21:15
Yeah I hear what you are saying.. I think from common sense.. the cardio research one.. the mag taurate must be 125mg magensium per pill.. which is more than the biocare brand.. it seems that all the mag taurates have a higher taurine content.. so i doubt every much 125mg is the combined magtaurate.. it must be the magnesium content you are actually getting. i could be wrong, but that is my guess..

18-11-14, 09:17
With the Biocare one you get 146.mg magnesium derived from magnesium taurate because thats the only magnesium ingredient other than stearate which is not a form we take, its added to many products. The taurine element of this one is shown as L-taurine 1647mg derived from magnesium taurate.

The % daily value for the Biocare one is far higher than the other one.

If you take the 2 values of magnesium taurate and work out what the 100% RDA would be, thus giving you the mg for 100% the Biocare one comes out at 300mg for 100%. The Biocare one was showing the magnesium separately. Now, the other one that shows as a 10% RDA comes out at 450mg for 100%...so I'm thinking that the extra 125mg there would be the taurine element of the taurate. So, divide 450mg by 300mg gives 1.5. Thats pretty confusing but it could be that one is the EC RDA and the other in a US or UK one maybe?

What I can see is that off the 2 products, the Biocare one is better for magnesium. We just don't know what the taurine mg/% is in that other one. The trouble is, you can't work the % backwards somehow to determine it because I've seen products where the taurine is less or more, often very different mgs so the % could be far off. So, the % in that one must be the magnesium element.

I can't seem to find a better breakdown for the CR Ltd one or even a manufacturers website to check further but given the lower level fo magnesium, its perhaps not the better of the 2 products anyway. Taurine is easily suppplemented anyway if the Biocare one wasn't enough for you, but it does look like quite a lot considering the supplements tend to be 500mg.

---------- Post added at 09:17 ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 ----------

Just spotted a link for the Biocare off a question on Amazon to Bodykind's website which matches the above http://www.bodykind.com/search/magnesium_taurate/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/5/12/product/640-Magnesium-Taurate-60-Vegicaps.aspx#description