View Full Version : got my own flat today

03-10-14, 16:09
I finally got my own one bed flat.its in a good area near the town,near my parents local shops doctors etc.should be celebrating and enjoying this news.everyone around me is very happy for me.so why am i not feeling it.iv longed for my own place for months,but now its hear i feel dull not interrested unhappy flat depressed.anxious.i know some of you know my life story and that i have lived with people all my 48 years of life,but now im about to go it alone for the first time and suffered mental health for over 10 years now and have had many ups and downs.latley my anxiety has been so high and my depression so bad.so how do i move into this flat and leave my mental health behind.i want to enjoy it,its a massive thing a big big deal.why am i being robed of this natural feeling of excitment,why is life so cruel.

03-10-14, 16:20
It is the fear of the unknown. It is something new to you so is bound to make you feel anxious. You have mentioned all the positives so every time a negative creeps into your thoughts, change it to one of those positives. Give yourself chance to settle in, I am sure you will feel happier when everything is settled.

03-10-14, 18:46
Well done. As you say it is a big step for you as you have not lived on your own in your life before. You are near to all the facilities you could ever need so just give yourself time to get used to it. It's always a case of do I like it or do I not and our minds can chop and change on that one many times over before we get to where we are regarding calling it our full time home.

It is a good achievement though so try to get used to it one step at a time.

03-10-14, 19:29
I agree that it's the fear of the unknown. I worry about change and not being able to cope and enjoy my future as well, but just focus on getting settled in and make it comfortable and homely feeling. That always makes me feel a bit better as I'm never very good in new places.
Congratulations on finding a place and getting moved in :)

03-10-14, 19:45
well done Greg. Hope you soon settle down. I am sure you will. Be positive Greg.
This is a new beginning for you:hugs::hugs::hugs:xx

03-10-14, 21:22
Great news on the flat Greg.
I think the down and flat feeling is caused by fear of the unknown. Being completely independent for the first time is going to be a bit daunting for anyone and even more so as you have always lived with other people for such a long time.

Good to be near the town too..... can get out for lots of walks just to pick up bits and bobs if you get anxious or bored.

03-10-14, 21:25
Greg....... I am so pleased for you! I feel relieved on your behalf.
Remember, one step at a time. Don't expect too much of yourself.
Build on your progress gradually & take a step back here and there.
But I really am so pleased for you....l it's absolutely made my day reading your post!
Big hugs, virtual ones but 'real' all the same.

03-10-14, 21:36
Thankyou guys.very anxious but keen.i wish i could fast forward 1 year.thankyou all for your fantastic support i couldnt cope without my NMP friends.ill try and look forward to it and post before and after pictures of my flat.just want to get it all sorted.change doctors get on board with gas and ellectric , rent sorted.all the things i used to take for granted that was done for me

Catherine S
04-10-14, 01:31
Congrats on the flat Greg, you deserve it so keep telling yourself that. Its bound to be a bit scary but give yourself time to get used to it. I've moved a few times over the years and for the first few weeks felt really lost and lonely but those feelings soon disappeared as I gradually got used to living there. It sounds like a really good place, close to everything you need. Is there anybody who can stay with you for the first fewnights until you feel better about it and not so strange?


04-10-14, 01:38
Fantabo news about the flat Greg. New ventures are exciting for some and a time of high anxiety for others which soon fades. I am sure you will enjoy living alone once you get used to it. The stress of getting things sorted is also an anxious ridden time for all, let alone a mental health sufferer.

You've done so well so far, keep going and look forward, you'll have a great time I know it:yesyes:


04-10-14, 03:57
Nice one Greg, build on it from here. This is now an opportunity to work on issues and move forward because you have stability.

Its like other have said, fear of the unknown and when you get into a depressive cycle nothing matters. I remember once sitting in a walk-in self help group and hearing a guy say how flat he was and that if he was told he had won the lottery, he just wouldn't care...and I thought "yeah, I know that feeling!".

05-10-14, 22:27
God if i was told i won the lottery id be jumping up and down and planing what to spend it all onfirst thing would be a motor bike.oh we can all dream

05-10-14, 22:32
A motorbike!!! Oh Greg don't give me something to get anxious about lol. I know you love bikes but I am so pleased none of my family have them :) If I win the jackpot I will get you a nice little car with lots of air bags for safety :D

06-10-14, 05:43
Sounds good Greg and a mansion to park it outside mate!