View Full Version : So scared!

03-10-14, 22:26
As you all knownfrom my threads I've been suffering with constant lightheadedness/spaced out feeling, eye problems, nausea, horrendous headaches and many others for months. Well after seeing the neurologist on 13th sept I finally have my mri on Sunday! Yes sunday!

I am so so scared! I don't know how I'm gonna cope in there my anxiety is so high atm never mind when I'm actually there! I need to go through with it but I feel like my anxiety will stop me! Has anyone had one before and how did you cope? I've seen them before and know how confined they are!

03-10-14, 22:34
I got through it by doing 'dandelion' breathing...you breathe in, then picturing a dandelion you breathe out and try to blow all the seeds off your imaginary dandelion. Keep repeating...

They have music on for you to listen to, keep your eyes shut and keep calm. It will be over before you know it.

Wishing you all the best xx

03-10-14, 23:16
Hi. Just to say I have had several MRI brain scans because I do have a brain tumour and this is how they monitor it. Just to say also I never had any of the symptoms you describe when it was discovered. Also to say with the modern scanners it only takes about 10 minutes to do the scan and you will be given headphones and music to listen to. In some scanners there are also mirrors so you can see what is happening outside the scanner. The staff are always very good and caring because they know how uptight some people are.

03-10-14, 23:23
The duration of your MRI will depend on the gap between the images (sorry I don't know the technical term) and the type of MRI. Mine lasted about 45 mins, and despite being a brand new machine there was no music and no mirrors. It's loud, it's not exactly pleasant, but it's bearable.

I closed my eyes as soon as I lay back before they wheeled me into the machine and didn't open then again until it was over. I think this probably helped.

You'll be fine. ;)

04-10-14, 02:04
Not sure where you had your scan serenity but I have had MRI scans at St. Thomas, Guys, Barts, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells and have never had the experience you have had. In everyone I was offered headphones and a choice of music and in two of them I could see the "outside world" as it were.

04-10-14, 06:57
I had an MRI of my chest and legs back in June when I was in the ER. The iodine contrast was weird and they used my IV to get it in which was painful as I have flat veins, but the overall scan itself wasn't bad. I had to hold my breath, but I imagine you won't have to do anything like that for a head scan. I was honestly too scared to really focus on the test itself! (The scan was clear, thankfully.)

When I get really nervous during medical tests, first I try to focus on my breathing, but if that doesn't work I try to do relaxation exercises in my head, starting with my face muscles and working my way down to my feet. It helps to keep me grounded and aware of my mental and physical self. Maybe listen to a few meditation videos on Youtube before going in and try to practice them there. That might keep your mind occupied enough to get through.