View Full Version : Hot and cold

04-10-14, 09:04
Hi everyone

It's been a while since I was here. Made some changes in my life and dress levels have been reduced significantly. Things are much better, doing some counselling/cbt finally (only took a five months wait) and I have been feeling more positive.

Something has been creeping into my head though. Perhaps a month or so ago I started getting hot flushes at night. I don't really know how long it has been going on for but one day I woke up literally soaked through with sweat. I could wipe it off me. I put it down to changing to my heavier duvet as the weather wasn't cold but had dropped. I thought maybe it was hormonal (though mid thirties not menopause).

The past week or so I just can't get warm. I feel like I'm needing to shiver inside but when I wrap up in bed I just sweat though I'm still shivering.

I just don't know what is wrong with me. I had recent blood tests, routine ones as I have had some tummy troubles, and they were all ok so I'm assuming no nasties lurking in my body?

Yesterday when I was outside I was freezing and my friends said it was pleasant. My fingernails had gone purple and my hands were cold.

I have been beating away the demon that is saying to me it's a circulatory problem and that my heart is failing. I know in the past I've had umpteen tests on my heart.

I've been so very tired lately as well. I never seem to regain any of my strength. I'd like to return to a level of fitness to add to my positive changes, but it seems small walks etc just wear me out. I feel twice my age.

Sorry for rambling on, just wondered if anyone had any experience? And I hope everyone is good who I used to chat to here.

04-10-14, 09:14
If you're worried pop and see your doc but I know there is a bug going round that makes you like your getting the flu!

04-10-14, 22:05
Thanks for your reply. Will contact them if I'm still rough Monday, hand felt pretty dire all day tbh.

06-10-14, 07:11
No one else?? :(
Don't feel as achy today but I was tossing and turning again last night all clammy. Hot and cold sweaty. Yuk it's horrible and in the middle of the night my mind races to think I've got terminal cancer :(

06-10-14, 09:31
I don't really feel qualified to comment on the whole hot/cold thing, yet I can associate with the mind racing at night thing.

My only comment would be that it seems to me like you have come such a long way since you were last posting on here. Be careful not to fall back into a hole, but even if you do, know that you can make tremendous progress again.