View Full Version : How do night sweats start?

04-10-14, 10:41
I have a lot of swollen lymph nodes in my neck, around 10-15 I think. Since finding these I've been terrified that night sweats are going to develop. this morning I woke up and saw that the t-shirt I wore to bed had left me with bobbles on my skin like I had sweated and it stuck. Now I'm worried I was slightly clammy. Do night sweats gradually begin, as in you are clammy for a few nights and they lead up to the drenching ones? Or do they just start as drenching?

05-10-14, 04:13
It's normal to sweat here and there when you sleep. It's more common for people with anxiety to sweat. Your body temp changes throughout the night.

I don't really know how they begin, but from what I do know they are drenching/change the sheets bad. And even then, I have had some like that and I was fine. Can be due to being under the weather or medications you might be on. I also have lots of nodes in my neck I can feel.