View Full Version : Colonoscopy revealed IBD and Polyp :(

04-10-14, 13:52
I just had a colonoscopy today due to intermittent rectal bleeding. No Hemmies, like what I was hoping it would be. My colon, rectum and some parts of small intestines were inflamed so my GI is thinking Inflammatory Bowel Disease. He also found a small polyp which he thinks is benign but is sending to pathology for definitive diagnosis. I am so depressed. Even the GI himself said this isn't what he was expecting. I don't know how I got this. I don't even have stomach cramps and diarrhea. GI said it's most likely ulcerative colitis so we'll just wait for the biopsy result. I read this is a lifelong disease. I'm even more worried. I have 2 young kids. I can't be sick. And then the polyp. Doc said it looks ok, but what if it's not? Now I have to worry the rest of my life about the increased risk of having colon cancer. Doc said becoz of IBD I may need to have a yearly colonoscopy.

For those of you who have IBD/ulcerative colitis and polyps, how was it like? How has this disease affected your life? Does it ever get cured? Of course the polyp is a completely different story. I'm so scared and worried.

All this is giving me so much stress and anxiety. I just wanna cry and be left alone. I can't take care of my kids properly coz being sick is all I think about. I can't go on like this. I need help. Why is this happening to me? Why can't I just be a normal, healthy person?

Thanks for reading and I'm hoping to hear from you!

04-10-14, 14:07
I have Crohn's disease which is in remission so now they just call it patchy colitis and diverticular and IBS thrown in for good measure so these are all part of IBD's.

I recently had 5 polyps removed - all came back non-cancerous.

There is no cure for Crohn's but it is not a death sentence or anything and people lead perfectly normal lives with it.

You have no symptoms so there is no reason for you to now think you are suddenly so ill and can't cope with life etc. Life doesn't end just because you have an IBD - so please don't think that.

04-10-14, 14:17
Thanks, Nicola. I don't know a thing about IBD so it came as a shock when that was my GI's diagnosis. I was preoccupied with colon cancer (which I haven't completely ruled out) all this time. Part of me still thinks that maybe the doc got things wrong, like maybe the laxatives caused my colon to be inflamed.

I have another GI appointment to remove the polyp (the clinic where I had the colonoscopy does not have the instruments to remove polyp) so I'm hoping to get a second opinion.

I know that this is not a life sentence. But HA always gets the better of me. It just ruins the quality of my life.

Thanks again for your reply.

04-10-14, 14:25
Hello mla I don't have colitis but I have diverticulitis which is life long as well , I do know people with colitis and as far as I know you manage it with meds and diet I have a relation who has it and she's always fine she just had pain when she was diagnosed with it I would try not to worry too much though easyer said than done these doctors know what there looking at and by the sounds of it nothing really bad was found and polyps are very common , good luck with your results the doctor said it looked ok I'm sure all will be fine x

04-10-14, 14:54
My auntie has had crohns disease since she was a teenager but since then she has since had two young children and just has to be sick at nights and take some pills that look way too big to swallow! Its a functional disease if you take the medication.

04-10-14, 17:53
I have Crohn's and IBS.
The Crohn's was diagnosed 5 years ago, and other than the initial flare I haven't had another one. I take twice daily medication and should see my gastro consultant every 6 months to verbally check how I'm doing and check my bloods.
I've only had one colonoscopy and won't gave an annual one until I've been diagnosed 8 years.

It may be lifelong, but it is NOT a life sentence - I have 2 kids and a busy life. There are lots of support groups and forums on Facebook etc - you need not feel alone.