View Full Version : Head Tingly? Helpppp

04-10-14, 17:02
So I keep randomly getting this tingly feeling on my head. not like pins and needles. If you've ever had a shiver up your spine it feels kind of like that except my head doesn't shiver. Or if someone stokes your back and you get that weird tingly feeling.. It doesn't feel numb just a weird sensation. No pain. Almost like a chill but not cold. What if its cancer or something? I don't know what it is and Im getting really paranoid. It only happens like every so often. Does this happen to anyone else? I also play with my hair a lot because its soft so I kind of pull on it a little bit
Happens like once every 1-3 weeks. I dunno what to think :(
I've also been having weird ear problem like a pressure in my ear. Like a rumbly sound. Im just so worried its a tumor or something.

04-10-14, 17:04
Everybody gets shivers, I don't know why we do, but it's normal. If I listen to music I shiver a lot.

04-10-14, 17:05
Yes; it's normal.

04-10-14, 17:06
Even on the tops of your heads :(??

04-10-14, 17:15
Yup. Especially there as that's the very top of the CNS. Apparently.

04-10-14, 17:31
Even the top of your head, yes.

04-10-14, 17:46
Echoing everyone else. We all get it, but we feel it more when we're acutely aware of our own bodies.

04-10-14, 18:45
I think because we're so hyper-aware of everything, perfectly normal bodily functions like getting tingles and shivers become more pronounced, and we become more sensitive to them. It's like when people with anxiety, especially health anxiety, complain of a swollen tongue but their tongue is normal, it's just our minds tuning into things we wouldn't normally think of or care about.