View Full Version : Rushed to A&E still no answers!

04-10-14, 20:28
So Thursday night I went to out of hours doctors as keep getting abdominal and back pain mainly right sided. Every time I wee or poop it burns and then my back and abdomen kills. I expected end uti but nope no signs of infection or blood.
Doctor thought appendix rushed me to A&E expecting it to burst or something then to wait in A&E 4 hours to even be seen (clearly an emergency). Ultrasound shows no appendicitis, no uti, no cysts on kidneys or overys, bladder fine. Was on a drip for 12 hours and nil by mouth incase of op. Then to be told your fine just live with the pain until more symptoms show and then we can test further.
So have gone in thinking yes ....answers and come out with all sorts flying through my head. They kept throwing words like crones, ibs, allergys etc but they will see.
I am sure I can't have anything like that if my bowels are fine.
Now I am back from hospital with diarreah (bright yellow sorry tmi) and such a dry mouth can't seem to stop drinking. Hoping this is all from the drugs etc.

Anyone suffering anything like this? My main and worst pain is the burning in both down stairs areas and pain in back and abdomen after a bowel movement or wee but bloods show no infection and neither does wee.

Confused.com!!! Just anxiety???

04-10-14, 20:43
I can understand your frustration and anxiety - being unwell but being told they can't find anything wrong is very stressful.

It COULD be a bowel issue.
I have Crohn's, but when it was at its worst at the beginning 5 years ago, all my bloods were fine - no sign of inflammation, even though a colonoscopy later showed inflammation throughout my colon.

Last week, I started to get exactly the symptoms you've described - low, right hand pain, back and front, low back pain etc.
Saw my GP. Had bloods taken (waiting for the results), urine test fine. Had horrible gushing dark green-brown diarrhoea a couple of days later, and the pain went almost immediately.

So - it could be a bug, it could be my Crohn's, it could be something else entirely.

I know that doesn't help you at all, but maybe it reassures you.

04-10-14, 20:50
You do have an explanation.


It's a real medical condition with real symptoms, which fits what you're describing like a glove; why do you seek another diagnosis?

04-10-14, 22:51
Hi This could be from tension. Are you oftne tensing your back in order to combat the pain? If so this could be sustaining it!
