View Full Version : big toe blue and sore left leg the next day sign of DVT? or worrying too much?

05-10-14, 00:31
Yesterday during school i dropped a 45lb dumbbell on my left big toe(i know really stupid of me). At first the pain wasnt as bad so i went through my normal routine around school somewhat limping to my classese. Then during 4th period i decided to check it in the bathroom. i looked and my toe was blue!! thats when the pain started to increase so i decide to go to the office and get an ice pack.after school i ended up just just icing my toe the whole time at home on and off. then the next day came and now my left leg feels sore. im worried this could be a sign of dvt because of the trauma towards my big toe but then again i was limping around on my left leg so that could be another possibility on my sore left leg. but then again im not sure. I want to go to the doctors but my parents says im just panicing to much. what should i do? could this be a sign of DVT? i just wanna add i was limping most of the time ever since the incident occurred even at home. also the soreness is around my calf as well

---------- Post added at 16:31 ---------- Previous post was at 15:11 ----------

Please someone give me advice I'm extremely scared of developing dvt

05-10-14, 00:36
We are not medically trained to tell you if you will develop a DVT or not but I doubt you will but if you are worried you need to seek professional medical help.

05-10-14, 01:22
Thanks for reply I would also like to ask if limping for a long period of time can cause leg pain the next day

05-10-14, 01:34
yes of course it can

05-10-14, 11:21
Sounds like a normal bruise to me.