View Full Version : 31 Weeks Pregnant with HORRIBLE PVCs

05-10-14, 01:54
Hello. I am new here, but not anxiety and palps. This is my 5th pregnancy and never had PVCs this bad with any of my other pregnancies. Starting about 2 months ago, I started getting PVCs constantly. I feel like I am getting them every other beat and it is scaring me so bad. I Google way too much and now feel like my heart could stop at any moment. I have told my OB and seen my cardiologist, neither were concerned.
How can I have them so frequently and not be in harms way? I have another appt with my cardiologist in a few weeks, so I am praying that he will do an ECHO and let me wear a holter. My last ECHO (I have Mitral Valve Prolapse) was last November and all was well.
I hate the way these make me feel and the constant worry that I may drop dead at any moment!!:weep:
Has anyone else dealt with this?

Catherine S
05-10-14, 15:32
I have suffered with these for many years and have learned to more or less accept them these days, but I do remember that they were much worse with my 4th and last pregnancy and it was because of the hormonal surge in the early stages and later because of extra pressure on the stomach and diaphram as the baby grew. Anything that affects your stomach also affects your heart due to the vagus nerve, which is why we can get these palps if we eat too much or we eat something too rich etc. There's no explanation as to why this pregnancy and not the others...perhaps this baby is lying in a slightly different position to the others, or your diet may have changed or your digestive system isn't able to function as well as it should because of extra pressure. These can all be triggers for palps unfortunately.


08-10-14, 04:39
Thank you for your response. I keep trying to tell myself they are harmless, but they don't feel harmless. I am obsessed with checking my pulse and I am getting them every 6th beat or so. Sometimes, they even double up....something like this beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, PULSE, thump, beat, thump. It's scary, especially since I have Googled too much. I don't know how I am going to deal with these for 9 more weeks and maybe longer. I worry about labor....will my heart hold up?

23-10-14, 19:12
Hey, just wanted to say I am also 33 weeks pregnant and just want to give you a big virtual hug!! My anxiety has gone through the roof this last couple months - I've come off my meds and now thinking I will have to go back on them even though we're near the end (should I say beginning!!) If you'd like to chat just drop me a message. This is my first pregnancy so it only adds to my anxiety! I've not got what you have but when I tried a bit of my old med again I started getting skips again (which is probably my most hated symptom ever!!) so wanting to talk to my doc about it tomorrow if I can get hold of him! I started and now stopped but think I'll have to properly start.

25-10-14, 03:14
I had 5 children and had the same issue. My Dr. Said it was the hormones and extra blood volume

28-10-14, 15:16
Dear VioletWings,

I've never been pregnant but thought I'd share some of the things that have helped me with my anxiety and palpitations. Please excuse the presumption as our situations are not quite similar and your concern is for both yourself and your child. You might like to try these Sacred Healing Salves that come with Love energized prayers to God - a) Mental Clarity and b) Emotional Equanimity. So you apply these salves to your temples and forehead and listen to the Serenades of Love as you do. It's a recording with deeply relaxing music. I like to use these salves in the morning and at night, before going to bed. You could even try falling asleep to the Serenades of Love. Little kids respond very well to this music. You could do a search for these salves along with "Love Energy Techniques Online Store" or if you like I can send you a link in a private message. These salves have helped me a lot and I wanted to share them with others dealing with anxiety/panic attacks. Thanks.

Hey, just wanted to say I am also 33 weeks pregnant and just want to give you a big virtual hug!! My anxiety has gone through the roof this last couple months - I've come off my meds and now thinking I will have to go back on them even though we're near the end (should I say beginning!!) If you'd like to chat just drop me a message. This is my first pregnancy so it only adds to my anxiety! I've not got what you have but when I tried a bit of my old med again I started getting skips again (which is probably my most hated symptom ever!!) so wanting to talk to my doc about it tomorrow if I can get hold of him! I started and now stopped but think I'll have to properly start.