View Full Version : another parkinson's question

05-10-14, 08:24
Does anybody feel muscles ache everywhere or feel unsteady on their feet? I also tend to lean forward and have my neck down and i read that was a symptoms of parkinson's this isn't true right? I am sorry to keep asking the same questions, also ii feel a little shaking in arm is that anything to think about?

05-10-14, 10:01
I'm no expert, but I think all of those can be a symptom of Parkinson's - and of just about anything else as well. Everyone gets odd shakes, aches and feelings of weakness from time to time without any discernible cause.

You don't say how old you are - but most health anxiety sufferers are in their 20s and 30s, when it is least likely that they have whatever illness they are worried about.

05-10-14, 10:29
Hi, I know two people who have parkinsons none of them shake, but I do know that others do. It differs from person to person.
My husband has a benign tremor. shaking arms,hands and mouth.
I am often asked if he has parkinsons.
I don't know your age. If you are young and you do have parkinsons there
are treatments. And treaments for all.
Has your mood changed in anyway?

05-10-14, 19:27
hanshan and magic - i am 27 i have been to the drs and they said it's most likely anxiety not parkinson i also had a mri and eeg and been to a neuro who 2 months ago who checked my balance and said he don' t think it's parkinson's but still i worry and no my mood hasn't changed in fact i just again went to the dr last week and he said i seemed better and my hand tremor seemed better

06-10-14, 12:52
I hate it when doctors say they don't think.
anyway all seems fine with you scaredgirl with the tests you have had.
Good Luck to you :hugs:xx