View Full Version : There's always an explanation

05-10-14, 12:01
So yesterday, I was at the IBMA convention in Raleigh, NC. Our company had a booth there. So around 1:30 I took my pain meds... or so I thought. What I actually took were two Ambian! They look incredibly alike. About an hour later the last thing I remember was checking out a bass, standing up and feeling woozy.

Two hours later I "woke up" in the ER with my friend and the doctors thinking I had a TIA stroke! Apparently I was conscious and talking during the two+ hours but I have zero recollection. ER personnel came and I was transferred to an ambulance checked out etc. I have no recollection of any of it and in fact I was insisting I was fine and needed to get back to work. They did a CT which proved normal. They wanted to keep me but I signed myself out, went back to the hotel room and slept a couple more hours. I was totally fine. The most confusing part was the not being aware of myself or my behavior. People thought there was something seriously wrong with me. I was just Ambianed out!

Lesson learned, Read the bottle carefully!

Positive and well rested thoughts

05-10-14, 12:16
What a mix up! Glad you are feeling better now!:)

05-10-14, 12:19
Ow crikey, Fishmanpa, I hope you're alright now. Sounds like you had a bit of a trip there..... ;)

It's good that ER took your condition quite seriously and wanted to help, but I suppose if you know exactly what's wrong then it's a waste of time staying in hospital. I had my wisdom teeth out under a general anaesthetic and my blood pressure went to 80/40. I had a group of nurses surrounding me, saying that I should be an inpatient and whether I needed saline. After a drink of orange juice it went up to 90/60, and I told them that it was my normal BP. I lied, I just wanted to go home! It was nice to be fussed over, but I knew that I could look after myself better at home by having a luke warm cup of tea, jelly and angel delight then to be hooked up on saline in a hospital.

Note to self: Separate your medication!

Female healthanxiety
05-10-14, 14:46
Hello Fishmanpa,

You silly billy! But it's easily done, I too have taken the wrong tablet and it knocked me for six!

Glad your feeling better and away from the panic - do you have a tablet organiser? If not, be a good idea to get one! :-)

Well.... At least you had an unexpected health check while in there! Killed 2 birds with one stone!


05-10-14, 17:00
Weew, what a relief that must of been in noticing what had happened! Probably best not to do that again ;)

Hope your doing better now!

05-10-14, 19:12
Thanks guys :) I have a pill organizer but I don't put my pain meds or ambien in there because they're "as needed". I put 4 tabs in the little tin I carry in my briefcase. It wasn't until I got back to the hotel room and took my pain meds that it dawned on me what happened! When I checked my tin, I had put ambien in there instead of tramadol!

I have zero recollection for about 2.5 hours. I even spoke to my wife and don't remember at all!

Positive thoughts

05-10-14, 22:16
Looks like your brain was on cruise control for a few hours. :)

06-10-14, 06:23
Well thats one way of getting out of a works event you don't want to go to! (note to self).

Glad you are feeling ok now FMP.