View Full Version : The dreaded lymphnodes

05-10-14, 19:22
Can anyone feel the nodes behind their knees ? I can and I'm really freaked out . Their is about three or four on each side going up in a line they feel like peas the bigger soft kind if guys get me .

I first felt them about a year and a half ago , as you might know my lymphoma fear I'm quite stressed out about them tonight :(

06-10-14, 00:21
Anyone xx

06-10-14, 00:44
If you felt them a year and a half ago, I'm sure you would have some symptoms by now if it was lymphoma. I'm sure you are ok :hugs:

06-10-14, 20:00
Thank you ������, I've had this fear for Almost three years now with some symptoms but doctors don't seem to listen , it's a horrible way to live :( I'm physically exhausted today because of how anxious I was this weekend !