View Full Version : Stressfull times bringing on oral symptoms

05-10-14, 19:47
Hi folks. I havent posted for a while although i have been checking in every now and then. I have a real fear of oral cancer and I am ultra sensitive to all things going on in my mouth. In June I had problems with a sore tongue/ulcers which really got to me but it things improved and following a lovely relaxing holiday virtually disappeared and I've been great for the last 2 months. Prior to this problem I had a really stressful time. Now a few weeks ago I had a very stressful weekend and almost immediately my tongue became sore again and I,ve been bothered with it ever since. I seem to be catching the side of my tongue on my teeth. So what I am thinking is that its anxiety and stress that is causing this and its not something sinister that I must get checked out immediately. I do think its possible.

06-10-14, 11:17
I had an oral cancer scare 2 years ago i was chewing my mouth i had scar tissue went to the drs and they refered me to an oral cancer specialist they said it was due to my wisdom teeth but that wait and that appointment was really tough...sometimes now when im anxious it flares up badly its always there....perhaps its anxiety ....maybe use salt water...drs always send you on for tests . They did to me hope this helps :)

06-10-14, 11:38
It sounds like stress compounding a normal mouth ulcer type problem.

As a general rule, symptoms from illnesses like cancer don't come and go. Once they start, they persist the same every day and get progressively worse over time.

06-10-14, 15:34
Thanks. Thats exactly what I am telling myself that if it was something serious it wouldnt come and go like this. I have had a lot going on at home lately and i am sure thats what is bringing this on so I shall wait until my normal dentist appointment in a few months to ask about it. I'll try anyway!