View Full Version : Ask Your Doctor For A Vitamin & Mineral Blood Test.

05-10-14, 19:50
Possibly Wrong Place, If so Can you move it please / also if deemed fit can it be stickied for people?

The past few months I've not been feeling the best. Aching, Tiredness and I've had over my fair share of infections... I thought nothing of it so 2 weeks ago I went and spoke to the doctor.. I said look I feel like something has been missed, I'm aching all the time, I'm tired and I feel like I'm dying if I'm perfectly honest.

He was intrigued.. I asked him if he could do a blood test and check, he said I'll do one better, I'll do bloods, vitamin & minerals test. I thought well.. okay then? why vitamins and stuff.. I get enough food, he's probably sniffing up the wrong tree with minerals and vitamins..

A week later, bloods were taken and then this last week, "Nathan can you come to the surgery please Dr *** wants to see you".. Well I was ILL, I thought my doctor never wants to see me.. it must be something really wrong.

Friday I went and he sat me down, and started laughing.. I thought whats funny... he then said to me "Guess whats wrong with you" I said Anaemia? "Nope" he said... then he said "You'll never guess in a million years".. I continued to blirt out about 100 other illnesses I've read up on with the same symptoms.. he's turning red at this point in hysteria (baring in mind, this is a family friend and the doctor I've had since I was born). I said to him.. ha'way then tell me, and he goes, "hahaha your malnourished".

I sat and then the relief was unreal, then I started laughing. He said "the size of you, and your malnourished" (I'm 24 stone and 6ft 3).

I said so what specifically is wrong with me then, what am I low on, his reply was "Vitamin D is 22 nmol/l and Folic Acid is borderline"

I asked him what the Vitamin D should be and he said ideally it should be up in the hundreds, but the acceptable range is between 25 and 175, but anything below 50 is cause for concern and that I must have been eating the wrong stuff for a while for it to be that low.

I quizzed him for a good 20 minutes after that, asking if this ache and that ache could be because of the low vitamin d and folic acid levels, to get the reply "yep, because your bones need the vitamin d to help soak up the calcium and when your low on vitamin d, the calcium isn't distributed to the bones efficiently which is why you see older people all crouched over, because they have osteoporosis caused by vitamin d deficiency".

I write this post because I see countless threads about people aching and cramping. This for me is the cause (I've been given 30000iu Vitamin D (30000 internal units of vitamin d, twice a week for 3 months) and 5mg of folic acid a day for 56 days). It's worth asking your doctor because it's easy for people with anxiety to sit and panic and google their symptoms, but rarely does it give a simple answer of "possible vitamin / mineral deficiency" .

I hope everyone who reads this, gets something from it OR atleast those who themselves are aching and tired all the time. something as simple as the sunlight vitamin.


05-10-14, 23:09
So pleased you posted this!
I have Crohn's and although technically in remission, feel tired, achey and about 90 years old a lot of the time. Standard blood tests all normal.
Just Googled Vitamin D deficiency, and bingo! Strong relationship between Crohn's and vitamin D deficiency!
Fortunately, I have vitamin D plus calcium tablets in the house - recommended by the breeder of my cocker spaniel when he was a puppy a couple of years ago.

Thanks so much for your post - going to ask my consultant to check my levels next time I see him.

06-10-14, 07:29
Very little vitamin D comes from the diet anyway and here in the UK there is a limited time window when the sun is actually powerful enough to give people vitamin D (assuming they don't wear sunscreen in the first place). Therefore many people are vitamin D deficient.

I had low vitamin D and low Folate. Getting the vitamin D up to a good level took 6 months or so but the Folate was faster. I feel less tired now that I have done in a long time and I recover from exercise more quickly and with less aches and pains. It is not a miraculous change but it is a noticeable one. I now take a daily B complex vitamin to keep 'topped up' and have really focused on improving my diet to include more vegetables. :)

http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/about-vitamin-d/ website has a lot of information about vitamin D. They seem to recommend that anyone who is severely low on vitamin D will need to supplement for life because the the risk factors don't change and as soon as you stop supplementing your levels plummet again.

Your doctor has given you 3x the dose mine gave me and your levels are already higher than mine, so I hope you feel better soon.

06-10-14, 10:47

What's the average IU needed to start raising the levels back up? 1000? I was looking on Amazon for some Fish Oil, because I'm quite active and get a lot of aches and pains because of that, so I was going to pick up some more as it helps. But then I noticed that they do a Fish oil with Vitamin D, which is at 1000iu, I then noticed they do one that's 5000iu! So yeah, what's the recommended amount? (If anyone knows)

06-10-14, 14:45

What's the average IU needed to start raising the levels back up? 1000? I was looking on Amazon for some Fish Oil, because I'm quite active and get a lot of aches and pains because of that, so I was going to pick up some more as it helps. But then I noticed that they do a Fish oil with Vitamin D, which is at 1000iu, I then noticed they do one that's 5000iu! So yeah, what's the recommended amount? (If anyone knows)

There is a lot of debate about what is the correct amount to take. The recommend daily amount used to be set very low, like 400iu a day, but recent research/evidence is showing that is not enough.

The vitamin D council recommends 5000iu per day, but other organisations vary from 800 to 2000.

It is possible to overdose on vitamin D if you take very high amounts for a long time, but again there is debate about how much. They used to think quite small amounts were toxic but now it seems to be accepted that upto 10,000 daily is safe.

If it were me I would go with 2000iu daily unless I had blood tests proving I was low and needed boosting up quickly. But that is just what I would do, not medical advise.

07-10-14, 01:24
So why exactly are you malnourished? I mean, is it your diet? Or could it be associated with another condition?
Sorry, I hope that makes sense. It was suggested to me that I might be malnourished...but that seemed absurd in my head, because I have a good diet. In what way would it be possible to be malnourished unless you are starving? X