View Full Version : I hate the world

05-10-14, 21:16
This post will come across extremely nasty so if you are easily offended - please leave. I know some people like to read after a given warning and have a moan so I will give the opportunity to leave for real. Since leaving school 12 years ago I've not had one friend and I've never tries or gone out of my way to make friends which sounds weird , it probably is , oh well. I've never felt the need for other humans to be in my I have my fiance and that suits me fine as we love each other but with other people I don't care obviously I care about my family but not strangers. I find it impossible to build emotions for people as I see them as things rather than people and I also can't be bothered to do deal with they're emotions or problems but I expect people to care about mine , strange I guess. I can cut people out of my life at the snap of a finger without a second thought and I wouldn't feel any emotion at all because I can't feel the emotions that are needed to build friendships etc so I don't care either way. I love being alone. I love the solitude. I was built this way and i'm proud of it. I hate people. I was told by someone to come on here and get opinions because apparently something is wrong with me ?

05-10-14, 21:42
No you sound like my husband lol, there is alot of people like you around so your not alone ha ha :)

Your just not sociable nothing wrong in that and I feel the same I can take a friend or leave them reallyx

05-10-14, 21:46
Yeah but when I watch the news and see all these terrorist stories I get a sense of joy with all the violence

06-10-14, 02:47
Have you discussed this with your Dr?.

06-10-14, 02:54
I think feeling this way can be a defense mechanism for a lot of people. If you were hurt really badly as a kid or any point in your life, it makes sense that you would distance yourself and not have emotions for other people. You avoid the risk of being hurt once more. Either that or repetitive events of being rejected, etc, can do this. Could that be part of it? Just curious, that's all.

06-10-14, 03:09
Worth talking to your Dr about it.

Not liking people or struggling to connect with them is normal. Enjoying bad things happening to them isn't nice but a lot of people like the drama of negativity or seeing bad things happen to other people. Humans aren't the nicest bunch. Intrusive thoughts can be like that sometimes too. Everyone has odd thoughts sometimes, wether or not they're honest about it.
Wanting horrible things it to happen to people or thinking of doing things to hurt people is the point where I'd be concerned.

06-10-14, 05:42
Is this something that has built up over time Dave or have you always felt so strongly? Didn't you experience bullying earlier on in life? Has that made you feel resentment to people and made yuo wary of them?

Preferring a small circle is ok, some will find it normal others won't but many of us wouldn't see the enourmous social circles of others as normal either, we are all different afterall.

Feeling disconnected from emotions for other people is more concerning and this could be a mechanism that has come from your past. You probably need to find trust for people and to build on caring about others by engaging more with them at a level that is fulfilling e.g. volunteering can help make you feel more aware of the plight of others and make you feel good that you are helping.

Hating people is a different matter. This would more likely be connected to some form of anger or resentment. This may be from your past again and you need some support in reversing this. Why do you hate other people? Are you sure you really do because you are talking to us on here and I've seen you trying to help people on threads and you wouldn't do that if you hated people, you would be taking your anger on them.

When you see things like the terrorism reports, do you think its good that its happening or is it more an intrusive thought that you didn't trigger cognitively? This good just be a set of intrusive thoughts that you can work on. If its more that you enjoy this, then it may point more to issues in personality traits or a personality disorder. I think you should seek some medical support if its more than intrusive thoughts as you could get past it but need more intensive help.

06-10-14, 08:22
How fit is halfjack ha ha -very

06-10-14, 19:50
I believe it's called Schadenfreude in mild terms. Sadism to everyone else.

06-10-14, 21:24
Schadenfreude is something everyone experiences really. sadism is completely different, sadism is when you enjoy inflicting pain.

06-10-14, 21:50
I call it insanity but us poor people can't afford to go crazy as we can't afford to go off to funny farms lol

06-10-14, 22:03
You don't have to directly inflict pain or suffering to be sadistic - hence schadenfreude: a form of sadism where you derive pleasure from others' misfortune. And I don't agree that everyone experiences it - eg, not everyone seeks revenge.

---------- Post added at 22:03 ---------- Previous post was at 21:54 ----------

I call it insanity but us poor people can't afford to go crazy as we can't afford to go off to funny farms lol

Could you not apply for a loan? :lac:

06-10-14, 22:47
You must be able to make friends you have a fiance?

06-10-14, 23:20
Oop sorry, yeah you're right, I'm thinking of the fetish definition rather than the colloquial :blush:. shardenfreude can be anything like laughing at: a bully getting beaten up, someone miss their bus, a sibling getting told off too, I'd say that applies to people en masse.

When you're crazy the world is your funny farm :P

07-10-14, 05:57
shardenfreude can be anything like laughing at: a bully getting beaten up,

Well, I would laugh at a bully getting some of their treatment back! :noangel:

---------- Post added at 05:57 ---------- Previous post was at 05:55 ----------

I call it insanity but us poor people can't afford to go crazy as we can't afford to go off to funny farms lol

You wouldn't know if you were insane Dave, so you know its not that.

I also think celebrities like to flog their many health issues to the tabloids for cash and they are often very questionable anyway e.g. alcoholics who can be seen indulging without getting drunk or experiencing relapses or actresses suffering panic attacks yet they act & attend live massive ceremonies without any issues by their own admission.