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View Full Version : how can I get through the winter?

05-10-14, 22:21
rant time. I live in the southern part of the US so winter doesn't actually exist here... haha.

But anyway,

The cold (i.e. 70 degrees Fahrenheit/ 21 degrees Celsius or cooler) makes me really really anxious. I don't know why, but it kicks off my derealization/depersonalization, and gives me really strange uncomfortable dejavu feelings nonstop. It bumps up my daily lightheadedness and dizziness as well.

There's a cold front here, and it's like I was able to predict it yesterday! Something changes in the air ..I don't know.

It's super distracting and nerve-wracking and makes me extremely anxious. Does anyone else get this way with certain stimuli or changes in weather? Is there anything you do to lessen it?

I feel like the cold reminds me of when i was at the bottom of the hole I created for myself 2 years ago, when my anxiety was off the charts, and my health anxiety consumed me. But why do I have to be reminded of this time every single fall/winter.......

My anxiety is absolutely a roller coaster as well. Some months it's not too bad and other months the sensations are way too much.

/end rant

05-10-14, 22:43
This won't be the answer you're looking for but.. There's barely been a day this year than it's been 21c here in north Scotland! It would great if it was that warm for more of the year! Although I'm not looking forward to the winter either, it's the long dark nights that I hate. I'm already wishing it was spring now. Winter is never very good for me for a variety of reasons, I'm much more anxious and worried about everything, there are more bugs going about and I tend to want to avoid everyone possible!
So can't say it's the cold weather, but definitely the different seasons and daylight changes etc make a difference to me.

05-10-14, 22:53
hey, thanks for the response. I guess the cold is just a trigger for me to the events that happened in the past. I'm not sure how I'd get over it though..

05-10-14, 22:53
21 C would be hot for me! I agree with Kimberley that changes in the seasons affect me more, the dark nights and the - temperatures!

05-10-14, 22:55
Haha the temperature here is usually at least 30 C! I hate the heat though - it gets me super dizzy and lightheaded. But the cold is completely different with the dejavu feeling I get. I can't win! :P

06-10-14, 00:56
Have you tried re-associating the cold weather with positive things? It may not be easy, but it could be fun and worth it in the end. Maybe you could have a special kind of soup that you only treat yourself to when it's chilly out, or hot chocolate, or a favorite sweater, etc. ALL those things could be a strong force as well :)

06-10-14, 05:50
I get this too, over the nights drawing in and the colder days. I guess its just always been associated as an inconvenience before I has anxiety so it makes sense my subconscious chooses it as an issue to cause me anxiety!

I think Poppy is right and I think its also a time for acceptance as we need to remember its part of the yearly cycle that we have coped with since birth. I think for me, its more than just the weather because its Christmas stuff appearing everywhere that affects me too as I struggle at that time of year.

Maybe join more group activities to do some productive & social.

06-10-14, 23:26
Thanks so much guys, I feel a bit better about this now. You guys have great suggestions. Distraction seems to work best for me so I'll be seeing what I can do to distract myself, like spending more time with my friends! :)