View Full Version : anxiety make pain

05-10-14, 22:22
I'm so worried if I'm gonna die got pain in right hand side but I haven't be able go toliet properly the past week now I worrying can some1 help me i worrying like hell

05-10-14, 22:29
deep breaths! it's okay. Here's what a suggest:

- drink plenty of fluids
- eat plenty of fiber if you can
- take a nice warm bath
- maybe take a painkiller if the pain is above a 6/10
- try to keep your mind busy: read a book, surf the web, find a game to play, i love this website: thisissand.com, and weavesilk.com (i hope links are allowed here o.o)

but yeah! My point is, I have toilet trouble and abdominal pains everyday. I wouldn't worry!

Feel better.

06-10-14, 21:10
Rang doctors they give me some tablets is common yo feel sick I know it embrassinng think constopation :( xx