View Full Version : Lymph nodes on both sides

06-10-14, 10:35
I've got swollen nodes (i think nodes, unless muscular?) on both sides under my ears, just at the back of my jaw bone - these ones are bigger and noticed first, some others are also up though - have had a bit of a cold lately, but doesn't seem enough to justify swelling, I presuming that for cancers etc it would be unlikely to be the same on both sides? First noticed a few weeks ago, but then I wasn't checking all the time, neck has been feeling a bit stiff in the mornings, and my ears feel a bit stuffed up... Have been feeling tired and achy lately but nothing more than that, likelihood just a random virus?

Can't get a docs appointment today, will have to wait until tomorrow , trying not to think about it in the meantime, but struggling. :(

06-10-14, 11:03
Glad to hear your lymphatic system is working so well. Now what is your question? :)

06-10-14, 11:26
Hmmmm, thought someone might say that. Problem is, I don't have a clue what normally happens with them as I haven't experienced this in some time, and I can't remember... plus the NHS website advised me to rush to the doctor as they've been up for more than 2 weeks.

So my question is, is it common then that neck glands might be feeling somewhat swollen for a number of weeks, despite no obvious symptoms except muscle achiness & fatigue, and a few cold symptoms in the last week or so?

06-10-14, 11:38
Yes! You had/have a cold. Your lymph nodes are a big part of how your immune system deals with colds. They don't go up and down immediately, but also don't forget that bits to viruses remain in your system for weeks or months after you've become unsymptomatic.

Honestly I never understand the lymph node obsession on here. They're an important part of your body, they go up and down. I'd be worried if they didn't!

06-10-14, 12:00
Okay thanks, sometimes once anxiety brain is off on one though, it's good to be reminded of these things. The reason I don't know much about them, is because I hardly gave them a second thought until I started seeing other people's posts on here... ;) For all I know, they've been as big a balloons in the past and I wouldn't have noticed.

08-10-14, 15:10
Hello, so my glands got even more swollen over the last couple of days, and I thought I would post here again in case anyone experiences a similar anxiety re: glands, although Serenity's point about glands staying up for a while still stands... Mine turned out to be caused by the cold, but then this:


which is nothing to worry about, but IS flippin' annoying, as it feels like my head is trapped in a pillowy vice.