View Full Version : Sick/worried/anxiety

06-10-14, 11:05

I've been experiencing what I think is genearlised anxiety for about 5 years now. Put it this way, I can't remember the last time I didn't feel anxious.

My main anxiety is usually around my health.

Anyway, for the last week I've been getting waves of nausea. I'm never actually sick but I feel really sick for a short period of time.

I start a new job in a few weeks and I think part of this may be nerves as I'm worried I won't be as confident in the new role as I came across in the interview. In interviews I come across really confident and sure of myself but in reality I'm a nervous wreck!

I'm also going through investigative stuff for some womanly problems.

Does anyone else with general anxiety get waves of nausea as well along with hot flushes? Sometimes I also get really hot and have to get out of where I am xxxx

06-10-14, 11:20
It sounds as though your general anxiety is leading to panic - the wanting to escape is a giveaway.

I can empathise - I've got a mixture of anxiety and what seems to be perimenopause/ hormonal stuff going on at the moment, and wake up most days feeling sick and stressed.
I think it's s only natural to feel worried when you feel unwell, and it can be hard to separate what's anxiety symptoms and what's actual physical symptoms.

Have you talked to your GP at all?