View Full Version : Not sure I can cope anymore

06-10-14, 11:42
I know I have health anxiety but when your not well or have symptoms that something could be wrong why do people fob you off or say your ok to then scare you more? A few weeks ago I had a rash and terrible pain in my left breast - my mum died of breast cancer so I panicked - the GP said it was fine and gave me some cream. I managed to do the great north run and felt really proud of myself then I went on holiday and had some pain on and off so paid to see a private consultant who because rash had gone and even though I found some dimpling said it Was fine but if I wanted extra reassurance I could have ultra sound but because of the anxiety it causes I said no and he agreed it was not
Clinically required. I've still got pain there but my husband now won't even
Talk to me about it because two drs have checkedr
Out now I've had a cold When I was on holiday and then three weeks
Later developed an awful Cough and another slight cold. I've been worried for months I've bad lung cancer and this has added to my panic -my GP said i have chest infection that's triggered my asthma. She said Lung cancer would be "unlikely' as I'm Not coughing up blood - she said if I'm not better in three
Weeks I could have an x ray which has really scared me. I've had a difficult year with health anxieties this year but surely all this can't be in my head and why does my husband and family just get cross and fob me off? I'm not enjoying life
And living in constant panic surely I would be better off actually not being here anymore

06-10-14, 12:07
its really amazing what can be in your head
if you need a doctors reassurance then go get it, remember the doctors work for us
Anxiety is a terrible affliction to live with sometimes made worse by those around you that dont understand
but be sure there are people here who do understand and you are not alone

06-10-14, 12:27
I'm terrified that this time I really do have cancer and I cant cope and I think because the doctor said x ray in three weeks she believes it too

06-10-14, 12:48
If she felt you were at risk for lung cancer, you wouldn't have left the office without an immediate referral. I know sometimes common sense goes bye bye with HA but hopefully you realize she said that for your own reassurance.

Positive thoughts

06-10-14, 12:49
OK, if your doctor really thought that there was even a suspicion you could have lung cancer, she would have sent you for an x-ray now.

The Department of Health requirement is that any patient suspected of having cancer gets initial tests done within two weeks.

Hope this helps.

06-10-14, 12:53
Thanks for your comments I'm so scared of dying but on other hand can't cope anymore

06-10-14, 17:01
Has anybody else felt like just packing it all in? I don't think I strong enough to keep going like this is I have something like cancer and I am just annoying everybody -
My husband said I won't be happy until there is something actually wrong with me but this time I think there is and I'm scared

06-10-14, 18:37
Are you getting any help for your HA Sam. My husband used to say the same and I also felt that 'this time' it is real, that is until the exit time.

06-10-14, 18:58
I've had CBT in past and have currently been waiting 8 months to be seen for some "high end" stuff but still on waiting list

06-10-14, 19:43
What is 'high end' stuff?

06-10-14, 20:05
Hi luc I am not sure that's what the inclusion matters people described it as when I had assessment consultation - high end/high intensity CBT

06-10-14, 22:29
It usually means face to face. After my assessment the offered me online CBT. I complained and was given Intense CBT i.e. face to face.