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View Full Version : Getting Older

06-10-14, 14:30
I have realized that after turning 30 my body has undergone quite a bit of changes. Some changes are part of the normal aging process. I know 30 is not that old at all but I do believe that there are things that don't work as well as they used to. When I was suffering with anxiety I think I took these things and blew them way out of portion. I wanted to share somethings that have changed since my 20s. I hope this will help some of you realize they are normal changes and although annoying they are not serious. Keeping in mind that I have been to the doctor for a full physical and bloods not long ago so I know they are nothing sinister. Here is the list:

1) Occasional heart palpitations
2) Floaters in the eyes
3) Dry eyes
4) Eye strain when reading
5) Decreased night vision
6) Skin tags
7) New moles
8) Carpel Tunnel syndrome
9) Vibrations in legs and Restless leg syndrome
10) Muscle twitches
11) Chronic headaches
12) Sinus problems
13) Dry skin
14) Slight deviated septum
15) Occasional ringing in the ears
16) Bruising easily
17) Urinating more than usual
18) Much heavier menstruation since having children
19) Tired feeling almost all the time
20) Joint pain

I hope this helps!

06-10-14, 14:35
Ditto to most of them :/

06-10-14, 15:02
Great post.

Write a list in 20 years and it will be much longer...

Enjoy life to the full while you are still healthy and young, DO NOT WASTE IT WORRIED ABOUT HEALTH ISSUES!!!
