View Full Version : Simply awful GAD attack and weight loss

06-10-14, 14:32
I'm currently dealing with the worst attack of GAD that I've ever experienced - It's been going on for about three weeks and while it's nowhere near as bad as it was when it began, I'm more on edge than I can ever remember being. The thing that is really causing me to worry (even more) is that my weight has started to drop, and this has started my health anxiety to rear it's head again.

When my GAD took hold last month, I didn't eat properly for almost a fortnight - my appetite completely disappeared. The rational part of my brain is telling me that any weight loss is more than likely due to this but…the health anxiety is making me think cancer and all sorts of awful things. Feel like I'm coming to the end of my tether…GAD and health anxiety seems just too much to take right now. Any thoughts would be really welcome. Thanks.

06-10-14, 15:04
Hi Dan,

When I first started with anxiety, I couldn't eat anything. The weight was already dropping off me due to undiagnosed Crohn's, which is what caused the anxiety in the first place.
My GP was unsympathetic - she simply told me I HAD to eat, but I had no appetite, felt nauseous and everything I did eat was going straight through me.
It would take an hour just to eat a small bowl of porridge.

Are you able to drink at all? Maybe a meal replacement shake like Complan would be bearable?
Don't stress about your weight because it will only make things worse. Eat little and often, and anything you fancy until you start to get on top of your anxiety.

06-10-14, 16:16
Thanks chickpea…that's comforting to know.

I feel like I've absolutely no perspective at all right now - the GAD is really taking it's toll on me mentally and I'm just preying that the weight loss is somehow connected also. Have started eating more so hope that I start to see an increase in weight over the next few weeks. Forgetting what it's like to live without being scared, worried or anxious, it's a horrible way to be.

06-10-14, 21:54
You need to try going Gluten Free. I did 3 years ago and it's cured me. Panicked once in 3 years and even then it wasn't bad.

If you have problems with gluten that can make you lose weight.

Search for some of my posts on the subject. Main thing is that you need to keep away from foods that contain wheat, barley and rye. Search the internet for Gluten free diet.

What affects your mind could be linked to your stomach. I am a firm believer in the old saying "You are what you eat". I feel bloody marvellous now.

It could be the answer.

Best of luck

06-10-14, 22:47
Your weight loss is 99.9% going to be down to your anxiety & its effects on your appetite. I dropped over a stone in only a few short weeks when my anxiety peaked in 2012. What I did to help myself was make the most (calorie wise) of whatever I could bring myself to eat - I basically put cheese, or pasta with everything. I also switched to whole milk until my weight started to balance out again.

16-10-14, 08:24
Please help..I am 59 and always had health anxiety..i have recently lost 7 pounds even though i am eating more than usual..i have had loads of blood tests which were fine and am awaiting result of 24 hour urine test as i have hot flashes also these are not menopausal as that finished years ago.Doc is convinced all anxiety but i have never lost weight like this..i am deliberately eating junk to try snd put some on but although my weight increases slightly in evening, by morning it has dropped lower again.sometime 4lb over night..I am not sleeping well and constantly checking weight and meazuring waist etc..now i am getting loose stool and feel nauseous. Work is very stressfull and doc thinks all contributing to this but i can't get it out of my head that i have cancer..so very scared and unhappy x my darlkng man is supportive but worried because he hates seeing me like this :weep: