View Full Version : Do you have odd behavious during a panic attack?

06-10-14, 15:15
Do you have odd behavious during a panic attack? I do, and I thought it'd be interesting to hear from others and discuss.

If I am out, for example shopping, and a panic attack hits me I have to get out of the shop, and the shopping centre quickly into open space (even though I hate open spaces).

During this panic attack, as I'm leaving the shop I do very off things. For example, I will get my keys out and hold the key to my lip. The more panicy I feel the harder I will puch the key into my lip. Very odd I know.

I also HAVE to walk by a wall, often touching it as I pass. If I don't touch the wall, the panic will increase and increase.

Onlookers must think I'm made. I am often jittery, and pace around fast, doing odd movements.

I also constantly check my pulse. I've done this for 12 years lol, so I'm beyond caring what other people thing. Also touching my face a lot during a panic attack. I have no idea why, because when I check my pulse I'm not actually counting it. I'm just checking if it's still present lol.

Oh, and I make odd noises in my throat. Like "Hmmm", and sometimes say random stuff outloud like "need home" or "your ok MY_NAME_HERE". Just outloud to myself.

Share your odd behaviours.

06-10-14, 21:33
Hmm - well I guess it's mindfulness stuff to an extent but I have to eat something asap, preferably something sweet. And I need to drink too so I try to keep water on me at all times. I do the face touching and tend to put my fingers through my hair a lot too. Oh, and for some reason I touch my knees/legs. This is especially if I'm in the car. There's the breathing exercise which involves sort of hissing on the outward breath. That probably looks a bit odd but definitely helps. Oh, and if I can, I get to a bathroom and get some paper towels wet. I will then walk round with the wet towels, bathing my face and neck with them. The colder the better for the water. In the past I've used an ice cube instead to rub on my forehead. Being near a source of water always seems to be important for comfort. So yeah - mindfulness tricks for the most part. Little ways of bringing me 'back into the room'. But I agree - once you've been doing it for a while you stop caring what other people think. It's sort of liberating.

06-10-14, 23:21
I HAVE to touch my face when I'm in a panic attack. I get derealization and depersonalization during a panic attack so it's like a coping mechanism for feeling out of touch with things. Also, my face kinda feels numb during a panic attack and I have an overwhelming urge to get touch sensations back. Weird!

08-10-14, 11:22
I no I should not be laughing but I can see m self in your post I must look like a headless chicken as I seem to flap my hand like a fan in my face I can't get to car fast enough I don't drive my daughter does so she a to keep up with me and u don't are wat people think intact I don't even see other people just me and my attack xxxx

08-10-14, 15:25
I chew my gums when I'm nervous, so whenever I go through a stressful time my gums are a complete mess! I don't even realise I'm doing it until it's started bleeding sometimes!

08-10-14, 16:13
Strange wat we do but it don't stop it does it well me flapping my arms don't any way lol

09-10-14, 12:28
It's mad how we do them, and they don't actually help, yet we do it anyway.

I just had a panic attack in Iceland. Was out the house for 10 minutes before I had to get back. Ended up sitting in Iceland waiting for my partner. Sat there touching my face, chewing my lip. Couldn't find my keys so I was biting skin off my lip.

Get back in the house and like magic I'm better again. Pffft. Annoys me. I dread tomorrow when I have to get on the bus.

09-10-14, 14:15
I always touch my right collarbone with my left hand! I realised I was doing it and thought 'that's really stupid, I'll stop' but then I felt awful until i did it again! I sort of press into the groove above the bone and it calms me down a bit somehow

09-10-14, 16:00
if im out i run to the nearest exit and just sit and get myself together. for some reason i never get them full blown when im out so its easier to handle.
if im in the house then il go to my bed, lie on my front and literally kick my feet as hard and fast as i can !! i keep repeating to myself that its not going to get me, for it to go away and that it wont win as im in control. i try and control my breathing as much as i can but my big things is i need to hold someones hand to my face. this all came about when i took my first ever attack ... i was so scared and the paramedic held my hand till i was calm enough to walk. i was holding my head at the time so his hand was on my cheek and because i calmed down i now totally assossiate that with me getting better :)
Mezzo ive found that when a panic attack is starting up i tap my collarbone !! i wonder if thats an instinct thing ?? xx

09-10-14, 22:03
I'm always talking to myself and sometimes it's out loud in PUBLIC !

Shapeshifting Lizard
09-10-14, 23:29
I often talk to myself in public. I never really associated it with a panic attack... but often when I'm stressed and frustrated I will just blurt out some sentences that are on my mind. I know it's not normal but for some reason I just don't care. If it was 3 or 4 years ago I might have been embarassed but for some reason I just honestly don't care. If I do think about it I just think people think "oh that guy's a bit mad" and it doesn't affect me. I find it surprising cause I typically am the type of person who should feel embarassed about this. I guess I've just got used to it.

When I am really panicking a bit and I'm alone I walk about in a figure of 8 constantly. That for some reason seems to calm me down.

10-10-14, 00:31
I cry like little baby and I'm a 27 year grown ass man

10-10-14, 12:14
I cry like little baby and I'm a 27 year grown ass man

I've done that and I'm nearly 30.

What's interesting with this post is that I thought I was in the minority category for doing odd behaviours during an attack, but it appears a lot of people do it too.

And we all seem to have the same thought patterns which is we don't care that we are doing it in public.

I guess fear trumps all, and in a moment of intense fear nothing is important except to get rid of the fear.

10-10-14, 21:54
I must say, I found some comfort knowing that you are 30 and cry as well. I try not cry in public. I usually just try to make a run for the car. I used to handle panic attack fine as teenage and in college. I assume because i had less worries.

Now as an adult, panic attacks last longer followed by depression. Too many worries man! Even on the weekend, I have work to around the house, do groceries, visit the parents, make sure the wife is happy, try to do volunteer work. Life does not stop. I feel like that life would be easier somewhere else.

Here in America we work waay too much. A lot of times I just want to disappear (me and wife one time did that... we quit our jobs and traveled around south America for 3 months..). Most my friends worry about the careers. I don't. I'm fine with not growing in my job because growing = more stress and more hours working.My brain wont handle more stress. I try to live small, so what I make now is perfect. I just wish life could be more simple and less hectic.

13-10-14, 17:47
I pull my ears and shake my hands. Have no idea why I do it!

19-10-14, 13:16
I punch my knees in frustration. I don't do it so much now, I just kind tap my thighs like I'm playing the drums but when I had full on panic disorder I used to punch the hell out of my knees and be covered in numerous bruises.