View Full Version : How I have improved my anxiety

06-10-14, 22:56
Hey guys,

I have suffered from anxiety for years, but have came very far in last few years. So much so that I no longer have agoraphobia.

Here´s what I have learnt, from Claire Weekes.

Anxiety and how to deal with it is the same no matter where you are, or what type you have. Whether you have anxiety when in a social situation, agoraphobia etc it is yourself that you must learn to deal with, and not the situation.

The key is in accepting anxiety! Once you can accept it it slowly starts to die down.

The 4 parts of acceptance are; facing it, accepting it, floating, and letting time pass. You must do all 4 to acceot, if you leave one out then you are not accepting.

Facing. Dont try to run away or ignore your anxiety. When you experience it say to yourself, this is anxiety, it is because my mind and body are tired. And acknowledge it!

Accept it; Dont try to fight it by tensing against it. Take deep breaths, and slowly exhale, then let your shoulders, arms and tummy muscles etc sag. Let them feel heavy.

Float. This basically means put your mind into neutral and stop adding fear to how you feel. Find a neutral mental place where you can let it happen without getting agitated.

Letting time pass. This is important because it takes time for your body and mind to calm down. Accept that you will have symptoms until you finally recover.

These four factors combined make acceptance. You must do them all.

I used to feel so trapped but by following this simple method I have come very far.

I have also learnt about sensitization and build my confidence up by keeping a journal of times when I practised the method and got through difficult situations. Remembering past successes gives me confidence that I can face future one more easily!



06-10-14, 22:58

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

07-10-14, 01:06
I agree with you 100 percent! :)

07-10-14, 11:58
Hi Carnation,

thanks! I find that it is something that is easily forgotten. These 4 things make such a difference, not doing one makes the anxiety grow!

I have to remind myself to do them every day!

