View Full Version : Health Anxiety or is something wrong??

06-10-14, 23:12
Hi All,

I hope everyone who reads this is having a good day.

As I right this I am convinced I am going to die. At the moment im suffering with the following:

Pulse down to 47 constantly checking!!
Pain in Chest/left arm and fingers
Feel sick
Feel light headed with brain fog

Recently I have convinced myself I have:

Brain tumor
Brain Anyirism
Atrial fribulation
General heart and brain problems

In a nutshell a day doesn't go by when I don't think about whether I'm seriously ill or not! It's ruining my life and I'm scared because my first child is due in 5 weeks!

My daily symptoms are:

Heart flutters/ skipping
Pressure in head
Ringing ears
Twitching muscles including tongue
Can't walk straight (weird off balance)

I just need some reassurance that I'm not going to drop dead! PLEASE! Had full BUPA health check last June all clear, 2 cardiologists in last 5 years, all clear.

I just want to get that spark back in my eye that my wife says is not there anymore.

Please help.


07-10-14, 11:40
You've read this i hope?


Your list sounds more or less the same. Expect things will even out for you when your child is born, congrats! :)

08-10-14, 15:48
Thank you. Anyone else getting these symptoms?

08-10-14, 16:50
Take a look at this...


Positive thoughts

08-10-14, 17:19
If your pulse really is 47 then you should see a doctor to be honest

08-10-14, 17:52
I get these symptoms on a daily basis, have done for 4 years now and im still alive. Like today for example ive been fine all day then all of a sudden I felt dreadful, weakness, brain fog, feeling tired and sick and just wierd, thats anxiety for you. The more you worry the worse it gets, try and distract yourself to keep your mind off it and your symptoms will pass. xxx

08-10-14, 18:31
If your pulse is that low I'd see a doctor that's definitely not right. Anxiety normally causes a fast hr all the other symptoms definitely sound like anxiety though x

08-10-14, 20:41
The pulse is only a recent thing. I forgot to mention I play semi professional rugby so excersise 4-5 days a week for the last 10+ years. These symptoms do now effect my sport though which I hate!

I did see a cardiologist last June and got All clear. Would he not have picked up an issue? Worried now!

Resting heart jumps between 45-55 last few days I have checked.

Thanks for all your comments!

08-10-14, 21:12
Your pulse is healthy for a person who does sports, would be unhealthy to have a fast pulse and exercise as you do .
I be been gettin arm ache and pains in shoulders and back . I worry constantly I'm having heart attack . Had 3 ecg blood tests , the lot and still not happy , I get tingly arms and face that set off a panic attack the other day
I'm slightly reassured somebody else is getting something similar xx

08-10-14, 21:21
If you've seen a cardiologist id say your ok they're the experts! I saw one earlier this year as I have sudden on sets of breathlessness and ruled out everything heart wise. I get it still a lot now but don't freak like I used to because of my echo scan. Now you say you do a lot of sport it explains the low hr x mines normally around 90bpm x if I'm anxious it has reached 200 in hospital before!

09-10-14, 00:19
80 bpm is the normal resting heart rate according to the NHS but it varies from person to person, my resting pulse is around 40-60 bpm

09-10-14, 08:38
Thank u all so much! I hope everyone stays strong and gets through there own issues. I have started taking rhodiola herb which I hear amazing things about!

Thanks all

Sharing stories really helps so please continue

09-10-14, 09:14
Have had all of those symptoms and got a few of them now too!
Hang in there and if it doesn't get better, take something for the anxiety.

Having children can bring it all on - you become so aware of your own mortality and that someone else depends on you. It's horrible, I had it really bad after both of my children.

Take care but don't be afraid to get help - it's better than living in a black hole!


11-10-14, 21:25
Thank u all so much. Feeling better than I have in months!

This site is so helpful!!