View Full Version : How long can you go without food before you crash?

Shapeshifting Lizard
07-10-14, 02:22
I felt uneasy about posting this originally cause I knew I was gonna get like "EAT NOW" comments and that but I feel OK with it cause I've just had some green beans.

Basically I've gone for nearly five days without any food at all, and I don't even feel ill. I forced this down me tonight and I wanted to post this after I'd done that. I'm just wondering if there's anyone with experience out there how long do you go before you get ill?

Obviously I have problems that go over the purpose of this thread I am just wondering about this specifically. I can't believe I'm still conscious and walking about and doing stuff. Does it all crash down in a few hours? I have eaten I just really want to know what happens IF you start starving.

*I am not on any stimulant drugs except prescribed prozac, I have just been drinking.

07-10-14, 02:40
Green beans eh?... What do you want someone to say? It's ludicrous to starve yourself and it doesn't matter how long it takes to 'crash". It's plain not healthy. I hope you mean regular liquids when you say you're drinking.

So here it comes.... "EAT NOW!"

Positive thoughts

Shapeshifting Lizard
07-10-14, 02:46
Sorry, point taken. Sorry if I've misunderstood your comment. I understand, I just find it weird that I don't feel dizzy or unwell.
No really I was rude and I read your comment completely differently from how it was intended.

07-10-14, 04:16
Okay, well, for starters, without any carbohydrates, your brain doesn't function very well for long, so don't be surprised if and when you misunderstand things. I don't know a whole lot, but that much I do know. Also, after you burn fat, your body will begin to consume muscle. For real. And you know what makes up your heart? Muscle! Remember Karen Carpenter? Case in point ...

These days periodic fasts of 3 to 5 days are popular, but honestly, most offer a few calories in the form of sugar from juice or fruit, and it is recommended that a person take probiotics afterwards to re-build healthy bacteria in the gut. And I have to agree with you that it does seem odd that you don't feel unwell at all. Usually the hallmark of a water-based "cleanse" is that one has headaches, some nausea, the lot. They say it is from all the toxins released from your liver since it is being given a "rest". Maybe you didn't have any stored toxins to begin with?

I think it would be good for you to make a record of how it has gone for you, now and as you begin to eat normally again. If you believe that you have benefitted from taking a break from eating, know that there are lots of dietary cleanses to try that don't involve complete fasting for more than a couple of days, such as the liver detox: up to two days of water/lemon fasting followed by 5 days of rice, citrus fruits and vegetables like your green beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts (any "bitter" veg) and a little butter if you like, plus seasoning. There are boxed kits at the health food stores, and endless plans online to follow.

But if, as you say, your motives are not healthy and you "have problems that go over the purpose of this thread", please remember what I said about your brain. And your heart. Really not a nice way to go, starvation. And if you are "rescued" (which will eventually happen if you don't live in a cave), then you will have to live with irreversible damage to your organs for the rest of your life. Whatever your situation, I'm sure you don't deserve to live like that. Please get some help and don't push this thing. :hugs:


07-10-14, 12:06
I have to have something to eat every four hours. If I go past my time it upsets my stomach. I will have to say EAT NOW too. You will have serious consequences if you don't. I know fasting for a day for religious beliefs is the norm.
One day is enough.xx

07-10-14, 12:13

I used to fast a lot. But then I realised that if you have anxiety then you pretty mich for certain have adrenal fatigue.

Your adnreals are working overtime trying to combat youre stress. But not eating regularly, like evry three hours (and somethng nutritious) then they get more taxed.

Check out this link! http://www.adrenalfatiguerecovery.com/adrenal-fatigue-diet.html

