View Full Version : Dizziness

07-10-14, 08:55
Been struggling with dizziness for a while now. It isn't that the world is spinning, more like it turns up-side-down for a few seconds. I then feel lightheaded for the rest of the day. It seems to get worse when I have to go to work or basically anything outside of the flat! I went to the GP and they just checked my ears and blood pressure and said they couldn’t find any reason for it so don’t worry. But I do worry as I am worried it will make me sick. I associate the two together. I have emetophobia by the way.

Do you think it is likely that the dizziness is anxiety?

07-10-14, 09:00
I get this, too.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm constantly on a boat even when I'm sitting down. Apparently, it's anxiety. I need to get my ears checked though, to be sure it's not an inner ear infection.