View Full Version : feeling incredibly sick!

07-10-14, 11:12
hi everyone
i have been doing really well with my anxiety to the point i almost felt normal again. i gained confidence and was doing great! then out of the blue i woke up yesterday feeling incredibly sick. i have been nervous about college again eve n though i was really beginning to like it! now the past two days have ben a nightmare constantly feeling sick to the point of retching and its making me incredibly nervous/more sick in class! i dont.know what to because i have gone from so great to forcing myself not to retch every second and feeling crap. any suggestions?

07-10-14, 12:03

this sounds like nausea to me. It is from a churning stomach. Try to take deep breaths and face the nausea, let it happen. Sto tensing against it and try to have a floating feeling. And let it churn or let yourself feel sick, for as long as you have the feeling.

In short you have accept how you feel. The more you fight it the worse it gets.

So deep breaths, exhale slowly, face it, and acknowledge it, let your shoulders, arms and tummy muscles etc sag. And try to find a place of mental neutrality where you dont add to it, try to float, and accept that youll have these feeling until it eventually goes in its own time!

I used to get this so I feel your pain1



07-10-14, 12:06
thank you i know i need to accept i think the pressure of classroom made me worse! i will try this in my next lesson i know key to anxiety is acceptance! thank you :)

07-10-14, 12:16

yea acceptance is very important!

Anxiety and how to deal with it is the same no matter where you are, or what type you have. Whether you have anxiety when in a social situation, agoraphobia etc it is yourself that you must learn to deal with, and not the situation.

The key is in accepting anxiety! Once you can accept it it slowly starts to die down and then leave-

The 4 parts of acceptance are; facing it, accepting it, floating, and letting time pass.

Facing. Dont try to ig nore your anxiety. When you experience it say to yourself, this is anxiety, it is because my mind and body are tired. And acknowledge it!

Accept it; Dont try to fight it by tensing against it. Take deep breaths, andslowly exhale, then let your shoulders, arms and tummy muscles etc sag. Let them feel heavy.

Float. This basically means put your mind into neutral and stop adding fear to how you feel. Find a neutral mental place where you can let it happen without getting agitated.

Letting time pass. This is important because it takes time for your body and mind to calm down. Accept that you will have symptoms until you finally recover.

These four factors combined make acceptance. You must do them all.