30-12-06, 19:31
My doctor is one of the very few doctors who doesn't like to give meds for mental problems like anxiety and depression.

She maintains the cure lies within oneself, and that to cure anxiety you have to accept you have it and more or less just forget about it, i.e if you feel anxious thoughts coming on let it but know it cant and will do you no harm and with time the thoughts will eventually stop.

She said another major problem with anxiety is that alot of sufferers like myself search the net endlessly for cures etc and infact all I am doing is making matters worse.

I asked her why she doesn't like to prescribe meds, she says meds will dull the anxiety but wont cure it and that cure comes from with in.

Is any of this true??

A happy person is fully caught up in the moment --and is not thinking about the past or the future.

30-12-06, 19:41
Medication won't 'cure' it but it does buy time to try and sort yourself out by providing the brain with the chemicals it is lacking whilst we panic away.

It would help greatly if I could forget my anxiety but part of the problem with anxiety is it's always nagging at me in some shape of form.

But I am having more good days than bad now though I still think about the big monster many times a day. It's now a horrible habit I have to break.

30-12-06, 19:42
All of it is true yes

Meds don't cure panic and anxiety - they are designed to mask the symptoms to give you a break from them but you have to work really hard at combating the anxiety for good.

Yes you have to forget it and let it wash over you - it won't kill you. Accept and forget and it does get better.

There is no miracle cure - it has to come from within you and you have to want to get over it and be prepared to work very very hard at this.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

30-12-06, 20:29
Pretty wise doctor I'd say.
Meds are necessary if people are severe however meds don't work for everyone, some might get huge benefits whilst others very little or no benefit.

Nel xxx

"At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky..."

31-12-06, 13:03
Hi dj,
I agree with your doctor,meds only mask the symptoms,not get rid if them for good.

Forgetting about anxiety is probably the most effective tool there is but how do we do that when it is so traumatic to us..?

Take care,Candie xx

31-12-06, 13:08
I am now starting to think that I will always have anxiety it will always make me feel stressed and it will always make me feel sad. I really do not think I have it in me to beat this. I have realised that I will just have to live with it even though this means I am going to live a horrible existence.

31-12-06, 14:25
I apologise for my post it was negative and unhelpful. I was in a bad mood and felt miserable anxiety can be overcome.. chin up people :)

31-12-06, 16:34
Hey dj,
I think it depends how bad you feel. My thereapist said he prefered me not to take meds and to see if can cure it myself. And im alot better now. If you can get even a little better with out meds you know you have done it yourself and can carry on on the right direction knowing you can do it by yourself and the only way is up. chris

Hope your ok now matt bloody weather dont help.

31-12-06, 16:50
Im not great but ill be ok how are you? sorry if a brought anyone down.. if i have a thought like that again ill write it down! Ill try and help people on here in the future! :)

31-12-06, 16:56
No worries mate you should write what you feel and be honest its all part recovery and getting help. Im ok,glad i found this site it only took me all day. chris

08-01-07, 04:02
dj9928 your doctor sounds to be trained in the old school methods of patient care!

Nevertheless, they are correct.

Masking in the long term will simply delay the day you release whatever is is that's making the symptoms happen to you.

You could choose to stay on medication until you were 40, 50, 60 ... whatever, or choose to understand why your unconscious mind has chosen this route to help you.

Yes, help you. Your mind is minimalist and elects to do the best for you as easy as possible. So on some level, depression is the right thing for you now. Don't throw a brick at me - I didn't say you deserve it - just, based upon what's going off in your life now, and what's occured in the past, this is the result.

If you can change the existing situation you will find things can improve.

there are also natural remedies that can be used at the same time

