View Full Version : stood on a rusty screw.

07-10-14, 21:33
Title says it all gore wise... it went in maybe 1-2mm, pulled it out, bled it (squeezed it to push out anything that was in) cleaned it.. and left it for a while... went back about 2 hours later to put some antibacterial hand sanitiser (desderman gel).

literally got a sharp pointy knife and poked it around pulling anything I could, whilst pouring more sanitiser into the wound... I've gone through about 8-10 plasters keep changing them.. the first 3 plasters were dark blood, then yellow (plasma?) and then a small dot of yellow.. and I keep changing it every 3 hours (no idea why) and I put more sanitiser on and plaster it up...

it looks clean.. and from what I can see... it looks like its already closed up... bar the puncture area...

my concern is... and I've spoke to nhs 111, I'm scared shitless of septicemia... my biggest anxiety... I've been re-assured that its highly unlikely I'll get tetanus because I'm still within the 10 year period (last jab was 2007)...

anxiety was bad this afternoon... chest pains.. pains down my arm... I'm aching like a **** :( some how got it into my head that this has hit a bone and I'm aching because its given me an infection.....

theres little to no swelling and theres some mild redness around the wound... (the size of a 5p peace the redness is)

any ideas?

someone reassure me, for the sake of my anxiety :(



07-10-14, 21:40
Essssh that sounds so painful!! :( If you're still within the window of the shot you are probably fine. Can you visit an ER to put your mind at ease?

07-10-14, 21:42
I'd rather stay away from the ER - just got a thing about germs... it hurt really bad when it happened (this is like 12 hours ago), nothings gotten worse over that period so I'm sure its fine.. I just need that re-assurance / to see if anyone else has had a similar experience :) thanks

07-10-14, 22:22
I stood on a rusty nail, climbed over something and put my full weight onto it went straight through my shoe and into my foot,looking at the nail afterwards it would have gone in more than an inch!

I kept it clean and just kept an eye on it for swelling and increased redness and then I would have gone to the drs.

I don't have HA so I was not worried, but just wanted to tell you that someone had done what you had (it bloody hurts to put a nail in your foot by an inch lol)

just jeep an eye on it and you will be fine

07-10-14, 22:36
Maybe pay a visit to ER anyway? The nurses there will know how to dress wound properly and make sure it won't get infected. Unless you have a nurse friend who can dress it for you!

07-10-14, 23:14
To be honest if it only went in 1-2mm then there really is no need to go to A&E.... keep an eye on it, keep it clean and if it becomes swollen or the redness increases dramatically then go visit the nurse at your GP practice

08-10-14, 00:03
It didn't go in all that far. Unless you have an autoimmune disease that majorly hinders your body's ability to fight infection (you'd know for sure if you did) it'll be just fine. You've cleaned it well, so try to put your mind to ease :)

I live on a farm and work regularly with barbed wire and old rusty tools, nails, screws, etc. I get poked all the time and usually don't do much more than rinse it off. I haven't had an issue yet - you'll be fine. :)

08-10-14, 00:31
The yellow fluid is just a liquid called tissue or inter-cellular fluid nothing to worry about there just keep an eye on it

10-10-14, 00:11
You will be fine ai am sure. If an infection did occur, your body would tell you and it would be an easy fix. Most importantly, don't poke at it and irritate it, just clean and forget about it. In a couple of days you will probably wonder what you were worried about!!! Take care.