View Full Version : Terrified of Heart Issues at 19?

08-10-14, 03:33
Hey guys I could use some help. I've been absolutely terrified of having heart issues lately and I'm not sure what to do about it.

Just some back story, my Grandfather on my Dad's side of the family suffered a heart attack about 10 years ago. He survived and is living today in his 70s and is healthy now. My Dad ended up passing away at 45 years old when I was in 7th grade and we think it was from a massive heart attack of some sort (no autopsy was done). My Dad lived a very healthy lifestyle, worked out every day of his life, watched what he ate and everything. He had been a smoker previously but that wasn't since his early 20's. His cholesterol levels were basically perfect as well. A year after it all happened I really started worrying about my own health as I get older, specifically my heart. Less than a year ago my uncle (dad's brother) found out he had some type of irregular heart best which he has since been put on meds for. My moms side hasn't had such problems, but on my Dad's side they've affected most of the males.

So about me I'm 19 and in college. I do my best to live as healthy as possible. I've never smoked, I rarely drink, I for the most part only eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, lean means, and drink only water most of the time. I also take fish oil supplements and have olive oil everyday. I exercise the majority of days in the week and in turn my body fat is low. Although I live basically as healthy as possible, I still feel that it's inevitable that one day the same thing that happened to my dad will happen to me out of nowhere. (He had no prior symptoms at all). It feels to me like no matter how well I take care of myself this will be how I die and it's terrifying. I definitely feel some anxiety from it, as my fear of having a heart attack/other problem is always in the back of my mind. When I'm having these thoughts I get chest pains around my heart which is apparently just from anxiety although it freaks me out and makes it worse. I had tests done last in 8th grade for precaution (blood work and EKG came back normal). I also never have had chest pain while exercising which is good. When I can distract myself from these thoughts I feel completely find, although they always surface again and the same thing happens all over (maybe every month or so). Especially as I get older it freaks me out, and I'm worried that I have some underlying condition that hasn't been picked up. This whole thing drives me crazy and I just want to stop thinking about it all the time. Also I've only had one panic attack and that happened probably about a year and a half ago. While I've always had these fears, it's just really come on strong about the past year or so. Is there anyway to completely keep yourself free from heart attacks and what else can I possibly do to prevent it and get rid of the anxiety?

edit: Also with the anxiety and chest paints (which are brief and random) I sometimes get the heart palpitations that everyone describes

09-10-14, 01:54
Dealing with the anxiety will help big time, it sounds like you're actually quite good at dealing with them :) If you look into the info on here about relaxation, distraction, mindfulness and CBT that could all help.
In regards to HA I find that the more you feed it the more unmanageable it gets, so like don't look stuff up online and if you catch yourself beginning to obsess over it nip it in the bud, which it sounds like you're doing already.

You're doing everything right, sounds like you're being really healthy and sensible. The only thing I'd add is that I've been told excessive exercise can put a strain on your body, so make sure you don't over do it x

09-10-14, 04:02
There is always a reason for heart attacks. Your life style doesn't correspond with the usual heart attack patients ive seen who tend to be obese, smoking older males. In other words other than a massive amount of stress there is no reason why you would have a heart attack medically speaking, you are completely healthy and honestly have no reason to worry about having a heart attack as long as you keep up your current lifestyle. There is also no proven genetic link for heart attacks in families.