View Full Version : Worrying about left calve muscle pain, is this ALS or anxiety

08-10-14, 11:51
This is a first time posting on any kind of internet forum for me, after some time reading along on this anxiety forum and some other forums on the internet. I am becoming more and more nervous due to the appearance of several symptoms over the past several weeks which, after consulting that infamous doctor Google, can indicate ALS. Needless to mention this has me very worried, which is undoubtedly a source of extra anxiety, which could very well be the original reason for the symptoms I am so fearfull for now.
I'm a 42 year old male, a bit overweight but never had any serious physical complaints apart from the occasional flu or soar throat. Visits to the doctor were rare, which suited me fine. But past July all that changed, i got bitten by a tick and after a few weeks I started to notice strange tingling feelings in my feet and legs (90% of the time in the left leg and foot, only 10% on the right side) and sometimes in my left arm. These symptoms, together with the knowledge I had been bitten by a tick, prompted a visit to the doctor. She listened to my story, performed a blood examination and a couple of days later she could diagnose me with early Lyme disease which had shown up in the lab results of my blood sample. I got a cure of 15 days antibiotics which would eliminate the bacteria and that was it.
Ten days into the antibiotics cure I got some trouble with diarrhea, which is apparently quite common, and I revisited the doctor for this. In passing I mentioned that I still was experiencing tingling sensations and dull feelings (mainly in the left foot, leg and arm/less frequent on the right side). The doctor in turn replied that this could not be from Lyme disease, as tingling sensations are a symptom of Lyme disease in advanced stage and my blood indicated that I was in the early stages of Lyme disease. Again I had been so stupid to have consulted Google before visiting the doctor and I had read that tingling/dull feelings in limbs can be a sign of MS. So I asked her whether this could be the case. The reply was to be expected, MS could not be ruled out but as I didn't have any other specific symptoms it was far more likely that I was suffering from a kind of hyperventilation of which I wasn't even aware, caused by the stress of contracting the Lyme disease. This kind of "hidden" hyperventilation could be the cause of those tingling and dull feelings. I was a bit reassured and back home I went, but the very next day the tingling seemed to get worse and on top of that I got these muscle pains in my left leg (calve) and arm. These pains came and went in the beginning, now they are there continously, sometimes in the background (mostly when I'm distracted), sometimes very much in the foreground. And as muscle pain is described as a symptom of MS also, my worries rose again. But muscle pain can be a result of chronic hyperventilation as well, at least according to what I read on internet due to the excessive loss of CO2 in the blood by overbreathing. But that didn't comfort me, because I started to doubt the hyperventilation theory suggested by the doctor: I didn't notice myself hyperventilating so why should that be the cause of my muscle pain. And especially because I only have muscle pain in my left calve and sometimes left arm, if the CO2 is down due to hyperventilation shouldn't all my muscles ache instead of just the one in my left calve ?
On top of the continous muscle pain in my left calve, I noticed three weeks ago a visible twinch in that left calve while sitting in the armchair. Soon another one followed, it was a strange sensation and sight. I couldn't contain myself and I revisited doctor Google. Muscle pain and fasciculations, Google lead me immediately to my biggest fear up to now: ALS. The next days I felt and sometimes saw several muscle twitches, always in the left calve. I also feel twitches in my left calve which I cannot see, which freaks me out as well. The muscle pain never goes away, although in the morning when waking up it seems less (to a point that is almost normal) and the pain sensation starts to "build up" during the day. I read a lot on the ALS symptoms, visited some ALS forums as a guest to read along and luckily for me it seems that, except for the muscle pain and occasional twitching, I don't have the really alarming signs like a drooping foot, I can walk upstairs without tripping and I can button my shirt. These signs should point away from ALS, but I can't help wondering if I am suffering from it but just haven't reached that stage where I will be tripping on the stairs. And although I wonder what are the early signs of ALS before the tell-tale signs, I don't want to ask that question on the ALS forum because I don't want to be an anxiety ridden "healthy" guy mingling in with those brave unlucky people who suffer from this terrible and frightening disease. But wondering if I'm in the early stage due to the muscle pain and twitching is playing havoc with my mind.
Early last week I couldn't hold it together anymore, the muscle pain and occasional twitching in my left calve got to me and I revisited my doctor. During the visit I got emotional and I talked about my fear for ALS. She listened to me and did some little tests: standing and walking on my toes, standing and walking on my heels, she tested my refexes by tapping on my knee and she felt my calves. According to her nothing pointed to MS, nothing pointed to ALS. She found that the muscle pains more than likely came from over using them (although I seriously doubt that as I lead pretty much a sitting life with the occasional small walk during lunch break). And the occasional twitching of a calve muscle is a common occurence (although I never experienced it before to my knowledge) according to the doctor. She leaned towards stress and asked about my work situation, which is fine I guess. But I have stress due to all these symptoms and the frightening illnesses that are going round and round in my head and the consequences to my family in case I should suffer from them. I got a mild stress relieving medicine based on the dried extract of passionflower and a reassurence that nothing pointed towards ALS, but I would have to believe that and soldier on so the symptoms would fade away eventually.
I guess you understand that, writing this post almost two weeks later, the symptoms have not faded yet. It keeps me occupied the entire day at the work place and some time at home too when I am alone. The muscle pain in my left calve is still present, occasionally I feel twitching in the left calve (sometimes visible, sometimes not visible) and the muscle pain in my left arm plays up from time to time as well. The good news is that the tingling sensations have almost completely vanished and most importantly that I can still walk upstairs or button my shirt. But I detect myself that I test that several times a day, although I know that is indicative of an anxiety problem and even compulsive disorder. And I cannot shake this constant wondering about the muscle pain and occasional twitching in my left calve.
At the moment I am trying to cling to the explanation of the "hidden hyperventilation" and anxiety and the consequences thereof. Does anyone here have similar experiences with anxiety or hidden hyperventilation which causes muscle pain and twitching contained to a single part of the body (for me the left calve) without interfering with the other muscles. I guess I'm looking for some reassurence that I could suffer from anxiety or hyperventilation without exhibiting any of the common anxiety symptoms like dizziness, heart palpitations, throat tightening, blurry vision, nausea, trembling or headache. I know I am not supposed to ask for medical advice, which I am not doing. I just would like to hear from anyone out there who has a bit more experience with the effects of anxiety or hidden hyperventialtion and could hopefuly put my mind back at ease a bit by their own experience on the effects thereof. I know it can be a long struggle to beat anxiety, but it would help a great deal if someone out there recognizes my sensations and thoughts so I can put the doom of ALS behind me . Can a person suffer from anxiety and exhibit only muscle pain in one leg, without any of the other common symptoms of anxiety being present ?