View Full Version : Fasciculations in stomach

08-10-14, 16:30
Right I'll start off by admitting I'm a worrier...always have been.
But this has got me scared. I've had a bad back for the last 3 weeks, lower back pretty bad to the point for a week where I was walking crouched over. Anyways I started getting a muscle twitch in my stomach just left and down from my belly button. First thing I did and big mistake was google it!! It blew my mind what came up. The symptoms of motor neuron disease.
I've been to the doctors 3 times, one a specialist in GI and they just say to keep an eye on it. I've an appointment next week with a back specialist to see if this is connected with my lower back pain.
Has anybody had anything like this and also has anybody specifically had this when having back pain?
I know stress makes these things worse when benign but I'm stuck in a vicious circle.
Never had Anything like this before and it's got me at my wits end!!

10-10-14, 00:39
I'm kind of going through simular thing now although I've now come to terms with hyocondria and I'll go to doctors tomorrow but before I tell him I am and need help I'll have him check my belly haha I've been having a constant pulsing near belly button tight back pain and belly ache iv also had twitching I can even see it twitch which I'm thinking stomach palpatation though it could be a normal spasm I'm getting them in my back and my legs too I don't know if the twitches are the same as yours but I know I've had them for many years but never so many but as I've been anxious about this pulsing they have become so regular more than 10 a day so I think it may be just a symptoms we get when where worrying x

11-10-14, 11:37
Mine are twitches. Been confirmed by doc cause I was worried about AAA to start with. They do seem to be more prominent when I'm thinking about them and the bad stuff they can be connected to but doesn't stop me wondering how it started and what is causing it. Common sense tells me it's gotta be my back and the pressure I was putting on my abdomen when walking but there's that niggle at the back of my mind that it could be something serious as it's still there.

14-10-14, 12:06
I think I have these too, I have thought they were internal... quite a lot. But actually I think maybe there are certainly a proportion of them going on in the abdominal wall area, also I have aches around my lower back and hips. For me, a quite likely cause is bad posture (which I have been trying to fix, and therefore doing a bit of ab work :-/) - but I believe weak muscles can experience twitching when they get overtired/used. I.e. so perhaps your lower back muscles are tight, to relieve the pain you are asking your ab muscles to do more work to hold you up.

Maybe go and get a back massage to see if it loosens up your back?

I've had something similar going on for months, at times all this posture stuff makes sense to me, that and an increase in exercise is most likely my cause, but other times anxiety gets in the way, and all the twitches get worse again...