View Full Version : Eyestrain back of head symptom

08-10-14, 21:37
I notice a lot when I read that I get a bit of a headache in BACK of head. Is that unusual because it's scaring me as I thought eyestrain headache would Be in front. Need response. Thank You!

08-10-14, 23:41
Part of the brain which registers sight is actually in the back of the brain. When your eyes are straining it affects all the muscles and causes them to tighten up and causing a tension headache it can affect any part of the head an alternative explanation is that it may be referred pain from the eyestrain, I wouldn't be too alarmed by the headache if it gets worse try the old NHS favourite of Paracetamol and plenty of rest.

09-10-14, 17:51
Thank You for responses! Much needed!

09-10-14, 19:06
Last week I had eye strain which produced headaches in random parts of my head, but the back being affected quite a lot, so yes I think it will be caused by your eyes straining. I haven't had any more problems since I got glasses