View Full Version : Hello Everyone :)

08-10-14, 22:46
Hi I just joined today. I am trying to understand my anxiety better. I have GAD. I like animals as a help for anxiety. My favorite animals are bunnies and guinea pigs, but I like almost all animals.

09-10-14, 01:34
Welcome! I love bunnies and guinea pigs! They make me so happy, esp when guinea pigs popcorn!
Lots of great info on here, I've learned a lot since I joined :)

10-10-14, 09:19
Thanks for replying :) Nice to meet you.

14-10-14, 20:28
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

BTW we have a house-bunny, he's 8 years old now :)