View Full Version : Scared of pneumonia

09-10-14, 08:48
I've definitely got a chest infection of some sort had it for a few days but been trying to fight it off myself until last night I was really struggling to breath even with my inhaler. This morning I've got a high temp and horrendous chest pain In my Lower chest really struggling to move and struggling to breath still but not as much as last night. Although the corner of my lip has a blue tinge :( waiting for a call off my gps as there are no appointments left only telephone ones can a normal chest infection effect you like this cos now I'm panicking. I keep heaving to so whatever is stuck must be near a gag reflex.

09-10-14, 09:33
Normal chest infections can do this.

I've had pneumonia twice now so I can relate to your fears.

My breathing was so bad on both occasions when I took a breath you could hear crackles from my lungs and a horrific wheeze I was so weak I could barely move.

If it's bacterial you just need some antibiotics and possibly some steroids to calm the airwaves down and it'll clear right up! Make sure you drink lots of fluids, hot water with honey and lemon really helped me! And get plenty of rest!

Hope you're feeling better soon :flowers:

09-10-14, 11:25
Hope you get some help this morning Avasmummy..xxx

09-10-14, 15:02
Got a chest and throat infection!! Got antibiotics and keep dosed up on paracetamol and ibuprofen x