View Full Version : Ive accepted its stress

31-12-06, 01:02

After nearly two months now of suffering from extreme fatigue dizziness and various other small symptoms ive managed to accept that my condition is caused by stress which is what the doctor and my familly have been telling me for ages! While this does make me feel a little better it still hasnt really done anything in terms of taking my symptoms away. I still seem to have the fatigue and the tiredness and if anything its gettinhg a bit worse. (About a month ago i would have periods of feeling more awake for a few hours) This is bothering me as i thought accepting it as stress would make the symptoms go away. I am aware that my uni studies are the reason behind the stress and have read that one way of dealing with stress is to remove yourself from the problem. This is also worrying me as i cant do this becuase ill fail!! I also seem to be getting a sort of 'misty' view in my eyes especially after blinking? Im worried about this as wwll, does anyone know what it could be? Has any one managed to overcome the symptoms of dizziness and tiredness that come with stress? I also worried about a sort of crackling noise in the back of my head / neck when i move it upo and down, I think it comes with the tiredness. I am also aware that excercise can work wonders for dealing with this and i really want to start doing it again but it also makes me worried because every time i have tried to do excercise such as running fast with the dog i get even more dizzy / lightheaded and its horrible. So im scared of going running / swimming etc.

Any advice for getting over these symptoms or any reassurance you can offer will be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks


31-12-06, 01:15
Hi jarvfi,

You say that youve accepted it but to truly accept it takes a long time unfortunately.Youve only truly accepted it when you can still have the symptoms but youre able to ignore them and work with them instead of the constant fight we put up against them.

All the symptoms you have are all anxiety,even your eyes and i know cos i get that from time to time.The only thing you can do is let time pass and know that you can and will get better.

The symptoms you have will never hurt you so just try to accept them and when youve done that,things will start to get better for you.

Good luck and take care,Candie xxx

31-12-06, 13:05
HI Jarvfi,
Its amazing how that little word stress can account for such severe symptoms, isnt it? Your body is telling you to slow down and taht is why you feel so exhausted. If you google stress you can find out how disabling stress is. Accepting it is stress isnt the answer, you need to have rest and maybe some counselling. Last year I had 7 months off work with stress induced depression. I though I was dying because I felt so physically ill, even went to casualty one saturday because of it. The symptoms will only improve with rest and stress management.
Hope you begin to feel better soon,
TC xxxx

31-12-06, 13:09
PS Jarfvi,
There are student counselling services at uni and people who can help you adress the 'stress' but only if you tell them about it. My daughter has depression which gets worse when she is stressed over an essay, she has had a lot of help from Student support services, its worth finding out if they can help you. They get loads of students with the same problems.

31-12-06, 13:27

Yeah i know i never thought stress would be able to cause me this much trouble. Did you get the lightheaded feeling as well? It just seems that when i try to rest the tiredness gets worse. I dont seem to be able to have any way of shaking it off. Did you feel as though you were always walking around like a zombie? I hatew the dizziness it makes me feel like im going to faint. Do you have any tips for getting rid of these feelings? Are you back to your noormal self now?
Thankyou both v.much for your replies.
Jarvis xx

01-01-07, 03:28
hi jarvfi,

i too get dizzy when i exercise, i started at a gym a month ago, and i suggest you start by just walking on the treadmill, thats what ive been doing...and on my bad days, i just slow it right down..and on days i feel ok, i put it up a notch..still just walking tho...take care with it, were not there to be athletes..lol..just help to get out life back...im at uni too, so i also understand what your going through there, if ya ever need a chat im here for ya!!! and going through it same as you it sounds like!!