View Full Version : Run down, anxiety, depression or illness... what do you thing?

09-10-14, 10:05
Hey guys,

Been feeling 'under the weather' the last few weeks, but my mental symptoms seem to be getting worse.

Here is what i've been feeling like over the past few weeks;

- Tired
- Keep catching colds(aches, bad nose etc.)
- Keep getting mouth ulcers
- Slight Tension headaches(which has been checked by a doctor)
- I have found 3 lymph nodes up in neck(one which I have got checked and is due to infection)
- I keep getting feelings of 'doom' I keep thinking something bad is going to happen to me (illness, car crash, drop down dead or something will happen to someone I love)
- Finding it a struggle to get out of bed for work in the mornings
- Get home from work at 5 all I do is have dinner and then go to sleep (Not because I am tired or ill, because I feel it makes the night go quicker which is less time for me to worry about stuff)
- Sleep after work but stay awake during early hours of the morning
- Sometimes my head goes funny and I feel like everything is not real

That is the list of feelings and symptoms I can think of at the moment off the top of my head, now I have been through a lot in the past couple of years, which is why maybe I think I could be run down;

Here is what has happened to me and my family in the last 3 years;

- 2011 all the way through december 2012 I was taking through a court case which I was told I would be looking at prison for 3 years (GBH joint enterprise, please don't judge me without full story)
- During my court case I lost my job
- Split up with my girlfriend
- My nan passed away
- My brothers girlfriends mum passed away(who was close to the family)
- My brothers girlfriend tried to commit suicide
- My brother got sectioned into a mental hospital with psychosis
- Got back with my girlfriend, she then moved to cambridge and cheated on me with in two days.

This is why I have started councelling as I have been finding it hard to cope with all this and stay strong for the family plus with my HA constantly checking every body symptom 24/7, all this has happened in the last two years, this is why I think I could be run down. But what do you guys think? Is it just my anxiety or depression or an illness(which i think due the lymph nodes? :( ) or am I just run down?

I just feel like I cannot cope anymore right now.

09-10-14, 23:58
Hi ShaunRyder
Your description suggests that you might already have the answer to this, but are seeking validation. Of course, I am no GP, however everything you are describing could be attributed to stress and anxiety. Goodness knows you appear to have had a run of it. For me, when I have found myself in a state it has been important to try and establish some sort of order/discipline into my daily regime. Eat healthily, don't drink heavily, keep regular sleeping hours, exercise and take professional medical advice where required. If clear physical symptoms persist, your GP will likely check bloods and this invariably eliminates one's worst suspicions, even if we don't always believe it. Hard as it may sound, a positive outlook often aligns with a positive outcome. Stay focussed and positive; sure occasionally you might indulge in a bit of a melt down, but you will get through it as things balance out, and they invariably do. All the best and be strong. A