View Full Version : Hypnotension?

10-10-14, 02:50
Everyone is always asking if I am OK because I'm constantly pale, but according to my doctor, I have low blood pressure. I remember easily getting out of school when I said I was ill when I wasn't and everyone would believe me because I looked 'ill' anyway.

I once fainted after having a blood test and they kept me in for over an hour because my blood pressure just wouldn't rise. They were checking it every 10 minutes but it never increased so they let me out eventually because I told them that it's always low.

The thing is, I thought people with naturally low blood pressure don't show any symptoms? But I do most of the time. I feel dizzy a lot, light-headed, fainty - especially after seeing my own blood or taking out my earrings and such. I can't stand for a long period either because I will feel hot, faint and need to sit down.

During the Winter months, it takes over an hour for my feet to warm up in bed because of how awful the circulation is there. I got scared and had lots of blood tests to test for diabetes but I haven't heard anything from the doctors so I'm assuming it's clear. They think I'm a raging hypochondriac anyway so they don't believe anything I say.

I notice that I get very sick if I catch a cold too when my parents and sister barely show any symptoms when they happen to catch something off me. It's like I have a bad immune system or something.

This is something that has always worried me but I have had this for years but has only gotten worse in the last 2 years or so. Then again, I've been more anxious and depressed in these last 2 years which might have something to do with it. I'm not sure anymore. :weep:

Anyone else have the same thing?