View Full Version : swollen lymph nodes

10-10-14, 09:54
Hi, this is about my 7 year old son, not me. He woke up this morning with a sore collar boneand sore neck.. I thought he must have slept in the wrong position and gave him some neurofen. A few hours later at the park he got a fever and complained of a headache, sore collarbone and neck, and sore throat. I took him to the doctor this afternoon. He said his glands are swollen which could be causing the sore neck. The doctor gave him some antibiotics and made another appointment to see him again tomorrow. My problem is I got home and googled. It said if the glands above the collar bone are swollen it could be leukemia or lymphoma because it's normally the neck glands that swell with infection. Can someone please tell me if I'm worrying over nothing. I'm so scared right now.

10-10-14, 10:04
I understand- when it is our children it is easy to go directly to worst-case in our minds. I think you are getting way ahead and that won't help him- will it? He needs you to be calm and reassuring in case he feels worried, and you can't be there for him if you give in to your fears. I hope hearing this helps.

10-10-14, 10:32
Thanks Cavybun, I'm not worrying in front of him. You are right I am jumping ahead of myself. I'm really good at it. Thanks for replying and telling me straight it does help.

10-10-14, 11:13
A simple chest infection is a cause. Leukaemia and Lymphoma wouldn't just spring up over night like that lymph did.

10-10-14, 11:22
Thank you:-) you are right. I always think the worse and it never does me any good. I thought he had brain cancer last week because he vomited in his sleep.

10-10-14, 12:10
You're a mother its natural to have these worries i'd say

10-10-14, 15:45
Anxiety always makes you jump to worst case scenario. He'll have a chest of throat infection. Mine are swollen right now to making it hard to breath and I have a throat infection x

10-10-14, 16:48
My son (who was 2 1/2) had swollen lymph nodes. Two were very prominent. One was around the collar bone.

He had them for 6 months.. and finally had an ultrasound just to be sure they were ok. All was good on the ultrasound. Just normal nodes. The radiologist told me that for some kids they are closer to the surface and can be felt. He actually had matching ones on the other side, but I couldn't feel them because they were further in.

11-10-14, 03:28
Thanks so much everyone. Your responses really helped to calm me down. It ended up having nothing to do with the collar bone. It's a condition called costochondritis. It's an inflammation between the collar bone and first rib. It will go away on its own.