View Full Version : Anxiety

10-10-14, 13:38
this is me http://www.buzzfeed.com/jennaguillaume/things-only-anxious-people-will-understand#2bc2m1j
Interesting things like this are now getting into the mainstream

11-10-14, 02:54
Thanks MrAndy, that made me chuckle.

This is the one I am most struggling with at the moment, changing!

"23. You know there are things that could help your anxiety, but you feel anxious about trying them.

Meditation? My brain will be too loud and I won’t have anything to distract from the noise! Exercise? Everyone will be looking at me and judging me! Arrrrgghhhaahgahahgah…"

Just trying to add more in for me is not really as much about anxiety thesedays, its more about the fact my brain says "no, we don't do that, it's not us".