View Full Version : not eating

10-10-14, 14:23
Hi guys,

I am not sure on what to do anymore. I am in so much pain with my back, hip and rib. I dont know what it is and been like it for a few days. Im feeling rather low and not happy.

I'm feeling horrible, fat and unattractive and I haven't eaten today and I might just stop eating. I don't know anymore.

My anxiety has been terrible too. mini panic attacks left right and center and breathing problems. Just not a good feeling. :(

10-10-14, 15:10
Have you got anyone you can talk to like a Doctor or a family member who can help you out?
Not eating will make you feel worse lovely x

10-10-14, 16:58
I don't like talking to the doctors. I don't like going. All day i have eaten cookie crisp cereal dry. I just dont want to eat :( x

10-10-14, 18:56
Given your pysical symptoms I would definately go to the doctors. It's much easier to talk to the doctor about physical stuff than psychological sequalae. It's probably just a bruised rib or something, but it'll give you some reassurance that will ease your mind.

10-10-14, 19:27
Thanks. I dont want to eat at all. Which I know is bad. And My back is absolutely killing me and my side is. And I just had a shooting pain by my kidney xx

10-10-14, 20:23
It's a big worry Sophie if you don't eat. For one, it makes your Anxiety worse! The other reason, is it could become another problem for you; like Anorexia. As a former Anorexic, I cannot tell you how serious this is and the pain that it caused me and it was definitely NOT attractive. What you may be experiencing, is what I had. I had a serious back pain where I could hardly walk, get up from a chair and pains ion my stomach area. This was all to do with my Anxiety and one day it just disappeared. I had it for about a week, it went, then came back for a couple of days and now it has completely gone. I put it down to my body repairing itself and Anxiety likes to throw out bodily symptoms and if you fight it, it wants to remind you it is still there. Whatever you do, try to take it easy, rest your body as much as you can, but not eating will definitely make you feel worse in the long run. Keep Strong. x

10-10-14, 20:32
I dont know what to do anymore. I have been in bed all day. hardly drank or eaten. Just in so much pain :( Thanks for sharing that with me though Carnation. :( xx I feel so weak. xx

10-10-14, 20:39
If you are not eating, make sure you get plenty of fluids. The last thing you want is to end up in hospital. Have you seen a Doctor? x

10-10-14, 20:42
no i havent carnation. I havent drank much. xx

10-10-14, 20:56
I think somebody there should be aware of how you feel and the fact that you are not eating or drinking. x

10-10-14, 21:01
im about to have a pot noodle and a pice of cake. i feel like crap xx

10-10-14, 21:04
I feel happier knowing you are having something. If you don't see anyone tonight and you are still bad in the morning, I think you should tell someone there. x

10-10-14, 21:20
I feel a bit sick now after eating that :( IS that because i didnt eat all day?

10-10-14, 21:26
Yes. I was at uni yesterday so didn't have lunch until 2pm, so hadn't eaten since first thing in the morning. My stomach made heaaaaps of noises and felt bloated and uncomfortable. But it was just going into overdrive as I hadn't eaten for ages. It'll be fine try to distract yourself from it.
When did you start to get bad back pain?

10-10-14, 21:30
been like this for 2 days now with my back, hip and side. :( Really hurts. And I only eaten something because my mom was on the phone :( xx

10-10-14, 21:35
You should get that checked, you shouldn't be in pain! Sometimes even knowing what is causing the pain makes if feel a bit better.

10-10-14, 21:41
i dont know im scared to go to the docs. I only eaten something becasue my mom called. I just cant be bothered to eat xc

11-10-14, 06:57
try to eat ssomething, no matter how small. You more than likely have adrenal fatigue. So youll need to keep your energy levels up!

11-10-14, 15:11
I dont know. But my vision is a bit fuzzy today. not badly but a little xx thanks for the link xx

15-10-14, 02:39
Im now going te opposite way, im not having a lot of fluids. What is wrong with me? :(