View Full Version : Staring into space, bad anxiety

10-10-14, 16:44

I recently moved to university and to be honest my anxiety is sky high. But then there are little things adding to it and I don't know if they are signs of anxiety or something more serious...and that's what's scaring me.

I keep finding myself just stopping and staring into space, I'm worried it's a brain tumour and then I get even more anxious. I just feel headachey and unwell all the time, I'm just very scared and unsure whether it's simply anxiety or what. Has anyone got any advice, do you know why I would be staring into space randomly?

Thank you :(

10-10-14, 17:11
I can relate to this... The thing is, I stare in to space when driving ������ really weird I know I'm still aware of everything going on but just stare depressed into space

Sure it's linked to anxiety to be fair last 2 days not been too bad