View Full Version : Coping day to day!

10-10-14, 19:31
Hi everyone!!

I was just curious how other people cope from day to day. I am now at a place with my anxiety where although it is always there, I am able for the most part to continue going to work and living a somewhat normal life. I can't remember the last time I felt 100% and it's taken me 4 years to get to this place, but it's so difficult living like this. I'm constantly exhausted and because of all the physical symptoms and tension in my body I constantly feel unwell. The anxiety means that my appetite is always non existant, but when I do eat, especially when I'm out, it makes my anxiety worse, because of the nausea and fear of being sick or having to go to the toilet, so now I always stop myself from eating, or at least from eating a lot. I know this is unhealthy but I will do anything to never go back to where I was a few years ago when I was unable to sleep, eat or even leave the house.

The trouble is I'm so exhausted and run down that I'm worried I will have another breakdown. I can't continue living with the constant anxiety but feel the best way to deal with it is to continue with my life as best I can. I don't know what to do, so any advice would be welcomed. Thank you.

10-10-14, 19:36
It's hard living with anxiety but you are doing the right things by carrying on as normal
Have you read Paul David's book ? http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk/the_book.html

10-10-14, 23:32
I read that book to me me tough its a copy of clair weeks just odd words different xxx

11-10-14, 10:39
I have read Clare weekes books and found them very helpful. But in the long run my anxiety is always there. I try not to let it stop me from doing things I know I really want to do, but every now and then it just gets the better of me. It's so horrible living like this and it makes me feel like I'm going mad. I'm just so tired and I want it to stop.

11-10-14, 13:36
Keep re-reading Claire Weekes.
The fact that you say you just want it to stop means you aren't embracing her method for recovery - you are still fighting against anxiety (which is admirable and understandable, but is making things worse).